The story revolves around Ryouko Yakushiji, a brilliant 27-year-old elite investigator with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police. Together with her subordinate Junichirou Izumida, the two often investigate bizzare and supernatural cases. In addition with the paranormal, Ryouko also has a longstanding rivalry with Yukiko Muromachi, another talented police investigator.
> Part of the BlazBlue series(;e9&genre_cond=and )
The tale of a young policewoman/rescue worker working high up in the Japanese Alps.
In a world called Barzel exists a particular profession called Private Military Firms or more commonly known as PMFs. They take on any particular job ranging from stealing to security as long as the price is right. Lynbell, Zephyr and Vashyron joined alliances to take on jobs and have been doing decently even in this highly competitive and cut throat industry. However, lately, there has been a mysterious figure who has always been one step ahead of them, taking their jobs and keeping them from making money. And now, it seems that person is their new client.
Ninjo and Soso are two galactic ninja agents , they arrive to Real City looking for a lost agent, but there nothing is what it seems
An order has been sent out to hunt down the existence of an Asklepios, a Greek demon god of medicine, whom the Church believes is practising unorthodox methods. A member of armed force group assigned to this mission by the name of Luca encounters two kids who saved him from an injury he faced during a brawl. Who are these kids and can they help out Luca with his personal reason for doing this assignment? One-shot turned series in September 2008.
A compilation of Cyborg 009 stories:1. Edda (Norse Mythology)2. Snow Carnival3. Legend of the Star Mermaid4. Night of the Star Festival 5. City of Wind 6. Passing Shot7. The Red Shoes8. The Modern Narcissus 9. Eyes and Ears10. Mechanical Machine11. Hepatica Symphony12. Heart of the Machine
People, weapons, drugs, corpses, or anything else - he will always carry them for "10,000 yen per meter". The strongest and fastest cab driver, "Raba the Courier"!A new action series by Kota Ohira, the director of "All Living Things", featuring a fast-moving car action and a flashy battle with bullets flying! The passion is now running through at top speed!
Gambling. Mahjong. Death. These are the themes of this fast-paced, undercover-agent-style manga where outrageous life-or-death gambles are made daily occurences and insurmountable odds are overcome. The most hardcore, action-packed mahjong manga you will ever see.
Do you have a song that has left an impact on your heart? Do you have a secret you can't tell anyone? A slightly heartrending love story.
Two assassins met - Imari Matoba, Yayoi Kawaguchi one lost his master and they part. - "We'll help each other out if we're in trouble." - I have no intention of needing the help of an assassin. What does Fate have in store for them in the future? Will they meet again? As enemies or allies?
Sequel of Shin Kotaro Makaritoru Suspended after 8 volumes due to the author's poor health.