"Shinoburu Ninja School" is a place where young people who aspire to become ninja gather. Momoka entered the school, yearning to become a cool ninja who helps people with sword and ninjutsu. However, in addition to those classes, the school also teaches erotic skills to help them become true kunoichi. That may just be too stimulating for Momoka, who is inexperienced in sexual matters...!Will she and her fellow ninja trainees make it through the obscene class and become the cool kunoichi she aimed to be? Or will she become that other kind of female ninja?!!!!?
On the day he moved in with his childhood friend Miu, the heroine Fei materialized from a novel he hadn't managed to get rid of, and a very lively love triangle began. Written and drawn by R-18 artist Rakko.
When she was little, Chizuru lived in the house where her mother worked as a housekeeper and played all day with Yukihiko, the little lord of the Black Ivy Mansion. At some point she had to leave, and when she returns some years later she meets Yukihiko again. He invites her back into his house. But the mansion hides a terrible secret that Chizuru doesn't know…
Whose feelings are simmering...? When Masaki goes to college, he ends up staying with his cousin Haruomi, whom he admires and has a crush on. However, when he meets him again for the first time in several years, he has completely changed from the older brother he admired to a sloppy old man. He is shocked by his appearance, but he remains kind to Masaki, and his feelings for him grow stronger once again. However, no matter how hard Masaki tries to tell him how he feels, Haruomi stubbornly refuses. "I love you." Masaki is frustrated that he can't even accept his words, but he can sense that Haruomi is indecisive...
Before I knew it, I was in a world of 18+ games with magic and erotica. In it, I was reborn as Ultos, the worst scum in history. If I continue like this, I will meet the worst possible fate. Somehow, I must be reborn from the hated character known as 'ScumUltos' into a pure and innocent mob character...!! Rise up from being the worst douchebag villain of all time!
Enter into a fake marriage with me! Seishiro Kyogoku, who works as a secretary for his father, the minister of Justice, is panicking. He has to live secretly with his half-brother, Reo, who suddenly appeared! Not only that, when he met his former classmate, Takeru Kyogoku, by chance, he discovered Seishiro’s secret! Seishiro declares that he will protect Reo and Takeru with his life, while Takeru says he will help Seishiro as long as he can have sex with him… Can love be born from lies?
A rare species called "innocence" may be the kind of animal needed for the world you desire… One day, a man from a superior caste of fox aristocrats rescues a girl from the lowest caste of mice. The girl is hiding a big secret that will shake the world…
Nagato is now the head of Yashima. Yamato has graduated: he is heading the Bidou Group.
At a tea manufacturing company, Juwon, a new employee in the product development department, falls in love with his superior, Assistant Manager Yeol, at first sight.One day, as Juwon secretly continues his unrequited love, Yeol reprimands Juwon for spraying perfume in the product development department. Juwon denies it, but Yeol continues to sniff Juwon whenever they meet, saying that he smells something.In this way, a subtle procedure called "smell inspection" has arisen between Juwon and Yeol. Juwon is troubled by the daily inspection time as his body instinctively reacting to his beloved Assistant Manager’s closeness...
Misono Kaoru has a complex about his scent that seduces people. This made him scared and he kept his distance from other people.One day, his secret was revealed when his scent was sniffed out by Kurobachi Shou, a perfumer and a person he’ll be working with on a perfume development project. He thought he was going to suffocate people with his scent again, but Shou kept his sanity. He hoped that maybe Shou would fall in love with “him” not because of his “scent”. He honestly thought so, but…
"Let's do it until I can't hold back my moans, shall we?"I must be weird. I want to be embraced by this person who doesn't even know his own name...Mei, the daughter of a restaurant owner, is troubled by a certain 'regular customer,' Chikage. I've been warning him not to smoke, but he won't listen to me at all! But he's a mysterious person who somehow interests her... When Chikage finds out that Mei has gone to a party, he suddenly changes his tune and his mind...? Mei is constantly being pushed around, including being taken to a hotel for shelter on a rainy day. While Mei is glued to an AV video that she accidentally turned on, he asks her if she'd like to "imitate them"…!"I'll teach you everything from scratch starting now."This is the first and last true love of the uncontrollable Chikage.
In 2023 in a universe where there are 4 realms BRILHO,ESCURA,CRISTAL and TERRA a rare feat happened a 13-year-old Brilloniann boy still didn't know how to use powers. You will get the adventures of Nikko Sasaki and many other heroes