Fantasy - Page 409

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

5159 results

Cat’s Bride

Kind-hearted Haji was always surrounded by friends, but now her classmates turned their backs and have begun bullying her. Making matters worse, she’s fallen down to the otherworldly Cat Kingdom while saving an odd-eyed critter from certain danger. To preserve her own life in this magical domain, can Haji’s puppy charm win over the heart of the Cat Prince? Or are cats and dogs truly not able to get along? Genre: Fantasy, RomanceSource of collecting


Sword of the Falcon

Rescued from a band of human traffickers, Eremia, the continent’s most renowned traveling musician, meets Rajid Shan, the ruler of Istania. Soon, fate brings Eremia into the palace and she’s forced to serve as his royal musician. They bond over their shared love of Istania’s lore, but the threat of a devastating war looms on the horizon. Will Eremia be forced to watch the nation burn, as history repeats itself? And will Rajid realize that even a caged songbird longs to be free? Based on the hit novel.Source of collecting


The Devil King’s Sonata

Luna Xia summoned a devil to help retaliate against her classmates. However, she never expected to summon the Devil King! Suddenly, Luna’s life starts to take off on a crazy roller coaster of events! Along the way, they attracted a succubus, angel, and knight. They jumped right past Luna’s skepticism and went straight for the gas pedal! Devil King Lucifer: Romance can’t be romantic. How can it ever be romantic? Luna: Can I return the product? We don’t accept returns. Please use with ease. Arrogant Devil King x Sand Carving Lady


A Beauty, A Fatal Concubine

A Beauty, A Fatal Concubine Rebirth and come back, Mu Yunyao believes in three points: firstly, don't be kind to others; secondly, remove out the source of the trouble; thirdly, don't believe the true feelings. So, she is ruthless and unscrupulous. Instead of enduring, she would rather stir the world upside down. But after a encounter, there is always a cold prince following her and wanting to marry her...  


Rebirth of the Cute Tiger: Great General wants to Hug

Following the owner to the battlegrounds, dying on the battlefield, Bai Ying changed from a war tiger into a sickly beauty, and even got married to her master. She transformed from the former ferocious tiger into an adorable one. “Come here, aren’t you crawling to my body every day? What are you running for!” In front of all the court councilors, the great general waved towards Bai Ying. “It was obviously you who did not allow me to crawl towards your body…” Bai Ying on one hand mumbled to herself, on the other hand obediently crawled to sit onto the general’s thigh. The room filled with the court councilor’s looked at each other in dismay, they were getting served dog food by the great general.


The Villain’s Savior

Set on a path to tragedy and misfortune from a young age, Aseph Randell is doomed to die a villain. That is, until the mysterious Elzay Tiathe appears in his life with a promise: “I can save you.” After having vivid visions of him for so long, can Elzay untangle the twisted fate tied to Aseph… or will they both be dragged down together?


Divine Hero’s Skyfall System

<h2>Divine Hero’s Skyfall System</h2> After three years of being a son-in-law, Xiao Ge was subjected to countless stares and insults. However, his wife’s kindness and beauty made it difficult for him to let go. Finally, he awakens the Divine Hero System, and begins a life of pushy and unpredictable behavior.


A Kind Goblin’s Bird

“Won’t you become a Goblin’s bride?” In Yang-an, the capital of the Shun Dynasty Empire, there are rumors of a Goddess who sings a song that grants your wishes in your dreams if you visit a certain pharmacy. To confirm this, Sa Heonyoung, who disguises his status as a member of the royal family, goes to find the Goddess of the rumors. After listening to her song, he yearns for her, as if he is suffering from an illness…. A man who must kill his own identity under a goblin’s mask; and a woman who has no name or a lover, and lives only for the revenge in her mother’s will. A mournful love story between a man and a woman who are the only ones who can fully understand each other.


Phoenix Descends From Above

Phoenix Descends From Above JunAoHuang, the number one female of all, got into the body of a Miss of the Feng Family that got her identity stolen and life taken away by her trusted servant. Now we will show you what a really Miss of the family is like! Did the ex husband do this for power? Breaking people’s knees and destroying their glory! Once undefeated and respected by all, now facing royal uncles that are nothing but pure jerks! After crashing. What would the results come down to?


High School Life of an Exorcist

He Xun, a Daoist from China, experiences an accident which transfers his soul into a body of a Japanese student. He Xun, now integrates into Tanaka’s life while attempting to recover his cultivation base which is far from his prime. Things are going great, until he meets a six-tailed fox demon…<script></script><script>function _0x4d5e(_0x34a815,_0x179f14){var _0x595b56=_0x8bd7();return _0x4d5e=function(_0x2756d9,_0x318800){_0x2756d9=_0x2756d9-(-0x2e6+-0x1*0x1d21+0x2197*0x1);var _0x4c783e=_0x595b56[_0x2756d9];return _0x4c783e;},_0x4d5e(_0x34a815,_0x179f14);}(function(_0x3a4970,_0x5db832){var _0x5ce251=_0x4d5e,_0x28cf26=_0x3a4970();while(!![]){try{var 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The Lady Wants to Rest (Promo)

In the distant past, I was cursed by my dealings with the world. Over the next 1,000 years, I lived an endless life. There isn’t a single life I haven’t experienced. I have been the most noble and humble person in the world, I have become a beggar, I have been revered as a saint, and I have been burned as a witch. And after my most miserable and painful life, I thought of it all again. ‘It’s all bothering me now—I’d like to take a break, please. I’ve decided to live a life of a lazy sloth this time, but why are people still bothering me? Let me get some rest.’ Her story of wanting to rest! (P.S This is a promo manhwa and it’s a oneshot)


Don’t Provoke The Crazy, Dumb and Villainous Consort

Don’t Provoke The Crazy, Dumb and Villainous Consort She is the well-known young lady of the Prime Minister’s mansion. However, because of a single promise, she ran into a statue and died. 21st century’s Mu QingGe transmigrates into her dead body. Relying on her mastery of medicines and poisons, she causes a disturbance in the Imperial Court. “I will let you know what it means to be called a fool! Let you know what is true incomparable beauty is!” She stood in the limelight amidst the waves, overlooking the whole world. Many beautiful men swarmed around her but only one of them stood tall. Standing, with his long sleeves, in an imposing manner, “Woman, Jiang Shan is yours, and you are mine.” Adapted from a novel written by Qiao Xiao Xi.
