The bustling metropolis called Yakusoku, known to many as the "City of Promise," is filled with chaos and mischief. Gang warfare, government corruption, and the supernatural all run rampant across this plagued community. In the midst of it all, a rabbit loving bounty hunter, a young billionaire, a normal high school student, and those aligned with them will have their lives intertwined whether it's by choice or by chance. There will be people to meet, battles to fight and mysteries to solve. If we're being honest, some of you are just here to hang out, and that's cool too. We hope you enjoy your stay, but don't say we didn't warn you.
Living the high school life, being admired by all the other species in his school, Rurikawa (Wolf. Alpha. Male.) meets a lower species, Kyougokuin (Rabbit. Beta. Male.) As soon as their eyes meet, Rurikawa thinks, "I want to breed this beautiful creature." He's suddenly unable to control his urges as he's turned on. In a world where men can also become pregnant, this series tells the story of high school boys being led around by their instincts and fate.
Immerse yourself in your imagination and leap beyond it.
A young man named Hope lived a life without hope. Unemployment, break up, unimportant, family debt... When he was finally pushed by the despair in life to jump off a building and end his life, his phone strangely received a 30 seconds countdown timer. When the countdown finished, strange things happened...
Read manhwa "SNS no Kaibutsu" for free at Summary:Is this the darkness of our time? Or is this the true nature of people? SNS" is a fun and convenient service that allows people to easily connect with others. Adults are aware of the dangers, but children who have just started using SNSa junior high school girl started a social networking service under the name of Koharu, and was contacted by a middle school teacher with a smile. But he pretends to be an entertainment producer? There are vile adults who target innocent children on social networking sites. These people are monsters. This is a nauseating and shocking "behind-the-scenes" drama depicting the truth and reality of "social networking monsters" who are more innocent than children, but filled with a dark, black darkness!Alternative:SNSWhat is mangabuddy?mangabuddy is currently the largest manhwa website with thousands of high-quality manhwa. Above all, readers can enjoy reading manhwa on mangabuddy without incurring any costs. If you love the manhwa "SNS no Kaibutsu", don't forget to follow the !Wish you happy reading!
To coincide with the major tribute exhibition at the Angoulême International Comics Festival, discover the collection of illustrations by the best sci-fi manga artist of all time! This album brings together the color visuals of his early works Blame and Noise, collaborations with Wolverine and Hellboy, the fantastic architectural visions of Tokyo from the Megalomania project, the previously unpublished short story Dead Heads and, as the icing on the cake, interviews with Enki Bilal and Guillermo Del Toro. A must-have for discovering or delving deeper into the unique universe of this great master.
I will kill everyone for your sake."Hey, I think I like you!" Shirayuki says with a smile.Haruki endures relentless bullying from a trio of classmates. One day, a beautiful transfer student named Shirayuki suddenly approaches him and asks if he would date him if the bullying stopped. Haruki dismisses it as a joke. But the next day, one of his tormentors disappears. Then another. One thing's for sure—Shirayuki is a psychopath that lacks common sense and empathy.
The bizarre everyday life stories of the citizens of a coastal port town.
"You got wet from watching other people have sex… You're surprisingly lewd." My sinful body is coming from my sleeping sister's boyfriend's touch…
Yuuki Tachibana's planned school trip deviates off course and goes on a deserted road. When he realizes that something is amiss its already too late, all the students on the school bus are taken to another world to a mysterious facility as food for the elves. Can Yuuki escape from the facility protected by magic and demons?
In a world that curses humans to morph into beasts, beast hunter Kafka must uncover his elusive past, and receive a revelation that will either bring him to despair or legend.
A hikikomori gets texted 'help me' from an anonymous source. Feelings of heroism coax him to the outside world which and he finds has been badly damaged, with broken houses and bits of debris everywhere. He searches for survivors but all he finds are corpses and ghosts till he gets to his sister's body.The guy has esp so he converses with her ghost and she tags along in his attempt to find more survivors. Eventually they do find someone that casts a shadow, but they may not be as human as they seem.