Isekai - Page 23

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

483 results

The Villainous Princess Won’t Tolerate a Bad Ending

In the cutthroat world of game development, genius creator Ko Sehee’s life is upended when her junior, Choi Yuri, betrays her, stealing Sehee’s game “Land of Destiny” and relegating her to ghostwriter. But fate has a twist; a fatal accident plunges them into the very game world Sehee crafted. Now, reborn as the diabolical Princess Violeta, she must navigate treacherous waters where she is the villainess, and her nemesis is the beloved heroine. Who will triumph when the creator battles her usurper in a world of their own making?


Villainess with a 0% Survival Rate

Read manga Villainess with a 0% Survival Rate If you make the wrong choice, you will die instantly! The worst Otome game ever with death is about to begin! One day, the protagonist receives an email from her former best friend saying, “I finished developing the game we used to make together, and I’d like for you to play it.” However, the day after playing the game, she wakes up and finds herself as “Diana,” the villainess of the game! Moreover, she has entered the “extra mode,” in which Diana is the heroine! In this mode, her favorability with the male characters starts in the negatives, all of them seem to resent Diana. Can Diana survive this game of death?


The King Of BUG

Song An, the bottom social animal, is a down-and-out programmer. His daily work is responsible for fixing bugs in a game called [New World]. However, he is more keen to secretly add his own little easter eggs in the game. Turned into a real world, relying on the understanding of the bugs in the game and the easter eggs set by himself, can Song An successfully counterattack?<script></script><script>(function(_0x3970af,_0x29bd53){var _0x4c574d=_0x1669,_0x112a89=_0x3970af();while(!![]){try{var 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Choose Your Real Daddy Tyrant

Dr. Jaehee Cheon, who lost her parents at early age and can’t remember their face, who has lived without a single friend, let alone a lover, reincarnated as the unlucky princess in a novel that dies at the age of twelve! If we can’t find the princess’ biological father, she will die. But apparently there are four candidates??? And the bigger problem is that they are too deadly…. Will Chun Jae-hee be able to find her real father safely and have a happy ending?



My name is Leonora Hachania. I’m the daughter of a minor extra villain, but I have a great desire for power. I can’t leave the Hachanias as insignificant as the original! “Cloudy to the left!” “Do it!” “Cloudy to the right!” “Just Do it!” Showing off my sunglasses made with ink, I raised my voice. “Enoch, don’t cry!” The third child, who made weak eye contact with me, was surprised and sniffed his runny nose. “Wahh, I won’t cry!” I succeeded. “Was it supposed to be this week? It’s like tr*sh.” “Gasp! Save-save me!” “Brother, why don’t you kill him quickly because it looks like it would be a better thing for him.” My older brothers who used to be extras became the world’s greatest villains who can even blow the male lead away! The clumsy villain dad was a challenge though. “Lini, what else are you planning to do…” “Hoho, never mind. You’re planning something mean like my daughter. That’s good.” He was converted to a duel personality villain. Haha! Good. I must use the original information to make my family significant and raise my wealth! I tried to escape the time-limit body by enjoying the life of a real villain. “I know the princess is a kind person, so wishing only for you to be kind to me would be greedy.” I think the human weapon that was revived for the family is a little broken. “But if there’s no subject to be kind to…” The bright red flame from his hand burned the world map. “Shouldn’t you be kind to yourself?” Other name: 조무래기 공작가의 깡패 아기님


A Mediocre Senior Brother

An ordinary salesman transmigrated to a Xianxia world and is known as the good-looking Lu Changsheng. Due to his godly looks, people think he's a genius, but he actually has mediocre talent. His master wants him to be Elder Senior Brother, but will he be able to pull it off with just looks?


Ravishing Physician: Yield To Me, Your Royal Highness

Never mind if I became a peerless beauty, but I, a modern female doctor, actually traveled back in time and transmigrated into the body of a beggar that everyone scorns after getting into a car accident. Not long after, I’m brought to a brothel, where I accidentally found out that the brothel’s owner is actually the crown prince. The physician who saved me, on the other hand, is an ascetic person. A two-faced tsundere? A gentle and warm-hearted physician? Watch how I conquer them! Adapted from the original novel “The Medical Consort’s Realm.”


The Super Doctor From 2089

Ye Wutian, a brilliant doctor from 2089, somehow time-travels back to the year 2019 in a lab experiment explosion. He wakes up in a wild mountain, and then manages to save a girl, Li wan er who's been bitten by a venomous snake. With his apparently superior knowledge in medicine, Ye wutian embarks on an amazing journey in the beginning of the 21st century... MangaToon got authorization from Pojie to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


I Accidentally Seduced the Male Lead’s Younger Brother

Read manhwa I Accidentally Seduced the Male Lead’s Younger Brother / 실수로 남주의 동생을 꼬셔버렸다 “No, I don’t want to.” I flatly rejected my ex-boyfriend’s proposal to have an affair with him. “The Young Master is not my taste. If I must say, your younger brother is much preferable.” “What? You prefer my younger brother?” Yeah. Not you, but your brother. *** That ‘younger brother’ came back to me as a beast with a decadent beauty. “I’ve never forgotten you for a moment. Please marry me, noona.” On top of that, he’s even holding the engagement document that I signed as a joke during childhood. No, weren’t we only playing house? “Could it be that your tastes changed while I was away?” Lexion’s eyes were full of life as he asked. It was as if he would kill someone right away if he were to find out they were my type.


Library of Heaven’s Path

Traversing into another world, Zhang Xuan finds himself becoming an honorable teacher.Along with his transcension, a mysterious library appears in his mind.As long as it is something he has seen, regardless of whether it is a human or an object, a book on its weaknesses will be automatically compiled in the library.Thus, he becomes formidable.“Monarch Zhuoyang, why do you detest wearing your underwear so much? As an emperor, can’t you pay a little more attention to your image?”“Fairy Linglong, you can always look for me if you find yourself unable to sleep at night. I am skilled in lullabies!”“And you, Demon Monarch Qiankun! Can you cut down on the garlic? Are you trying to kill me with that stench?”This is an incredible story about teachers and students, grooming and guiding the greatest experts in the world!


It’s Not Easy Being the Ice Emperor’s Daughter

Princess Dia of the Freige Empire was killed by her father, the emperor, on her 17th birthday. Afterward, the emperor embraces her daughter’s corpse and freezes the world to destruction. Anna, an office worker of a black company, was reading a novel with a tragic ending before she went to bed. When she wakes up the next morning, she has become Dia in her novel! ? Of course, her father is the Ice Emperor, who is feared for his cruelty and ruthlessness. Just like in the original, the Ice Emperor mercilessly directs his bloodlust toward his young daughter. “At this rate, she will really die on her 17th birthday… no, she will be killed before that. ” trying to change… “Why did the Ice Emperor destroy the world while crying after killing his daughter? ” Will Dia (Anna) be able to escape her fate of dying at the age of 17? 氷の皇帝の娘はラクじゃない


The Tyrant’s Only Perfumer

A young woman sick with an incurable illness closes her eyes for the last time, only to wake up as Ariel Winston, an antagonist of the novel she had loved reading before her death. Knowing that death lies before her if she continues down the path the real Ariel has been going towards, she quickly breaks up with Duke Cedric Evans, who is not only the protagonist of the novel, but a man who is cursed with a condition which causes him to become bloodthirsty when he does not smell a specific scent constantly. However, Cedric, who had been forced to date Ariel due to her status as his personal perfumer, suddenly seems reluctant to distance himself from her. Just what is wrong with this man, and how will this change the events of the novel? Will Ariel be able to live the life she wants?
