Kouguchi Ruri, a skilled yet socially awkward male manga artist, has built a career creating niche \"loli\" manga. His carefully structured life takes a chaotic turn when Shiina Karen, an energetic young woman claiming to be a university student, joins him as his assistant. While Karen appears eager to learn, she harbors a mysterious secret and ulterior motives for working with Kouguchi. As they navigate the creative challenges of manga production, their quirky relationship evolves, blending humor, tension, and unexpected revelations. This workplace romantic comedy dives into the challenges of collaboration, personal growth, and the surprising connections that emerge in the unlikeliest of circumstances.
A MAN purchases three little slaves and begins to groom them into perfect girls for his harem. You will never have a gaggle of lolis with horns in your life. ;_;
When I returned home for the first time in a long time, my brother transformed into a girl!?
Fujiyama Shinobu aka Sexy Fujiyama, is a general working for the evil Flower Bud Gang who are trying to take over the city. Standing in her way is the masked magical girl, Princess Mamu, who wouldn\'t you know it, has just moved in next door to Fujiyama\'s place...
The daughter of the king of hell meets a young man who exclaims that he was sent to hell by mistake. Somehow she misunderstands him & thinks he proposes to her. She accepts but then the heart of the young man starts beating again & he returns to the mortal world with his new bride following him
An elite salaryman (aspiring NEET), gets reincarnated and genderswapped into a princess living an idle life of masturbation...!? Kishibe is an elite office worker who dreams of becoming a NEET who has attained FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early). The fulfillment of his dream is now right before his very eyes!! ...or was, when he died saving a girl from getting hit by a car. A self-proclaimed god felt pity for such a man, so she reincarnated Kishibe into another world where he could live as a NEET. The next thing he knew, he had become Iris, the princess of a superpower kingdom!! Blessed with incredible beauty and not having the need to work even once, Kishibe won the jackpot with a life full of indolence, freedom and masturbation!! ...is what he believed, but there was a catch. Princess Iris seemed like she possessed a trait that made others love her at the highest level (a skill?), and various girls just keep coming on to her (who was formerly a man)...!? This is another world where one can experience endless love and eat meals that one didn\'t work for (does it taste good?), it\'s an envy-inducing, genderswap isekai story with a super NEET harem! (Source: Nico Nico Seiga)
A hangover leads to a shared life between a thief and a slave girl. Harris is an adventurer who works as a thief and scout, a job that is often shunned due to poor reputation. One day he gets drunk and buys a slave girl, Tiana. Tiana, who had been treated badly and not given enough food until then, comes to adore Harris, who treats her kindly, as her master. Harris, who had been hoping that Tiana would grow up to be a beautiful woman, is gradually drawn to her because of her innocence. Harris\' life changes drastically when he begins living with Tiana: warm meals, freshly washed clothes, and interaction with the townspeople who had never come close to him before. On the other hand, he finds himself in more and more troublesome situations, will he manages to escape from them with his skill and tact...? This is the story of the \"rebirth\" of a shabby thief, which begins with an encounter with a slave girl.
Kouguchi Ruri, a skilled yet socially awkward male manga artist, has built a career creating niche \"loli\" manga. His carefully structured life takes a chaotic turn when Shiina Karen, an energetic young woman claiming to be a university student, joins him as his assistant. While Karen appears eager to learn, she harbors a mysterious secret and ulterior motives for working with Kouguchi. As they navigate the creative challenges of manga production, their quirky relationship evolves, blending humor, tension, and unexpected revelations. This workplace romantic comedy dives into the challenges of collaboration, personal growth, and the surprising connections that emerge in the unlikeliest of circumstances.