The story follows Geon Woo Park, a shy and cute boy...
Jang-Mi and Taebong's long-time friendship is put to the test after they both sleep together for one night. Is this love or just sex? Read H-mate ( Hメイト, H메이트) by Turtle Feet now!! Maybe you'll like: + Brawling Go Manga + Skill of Lure + Sweet Guy + H Campus + Yahalue + A World That I Rule
From Lezhin: The school's fastest track star, Namsu. An old friend from the past, Hye-Yeon. Everyone's adorable sweetheart, Joy. High-school romance at it's best! The comic that made Pito one of the best in the GL genre. Yuri you may like: + Citrus (SABURO Uta) + It'd Be Great if You Didn't Exist + Pulse + Netsuzou Trap - NTR
A tale of constellations, extraordinary people, and their horoscope cafe!
Title is weird but the story is really really good or at least it’s intriguing enough to rouse anyone's interest
Uniforms that tempt you and make you fantasize. Can you withstand the allure of uniforms?
The emotions between these two are fresh like a strawberry and sweet like a cup of milk tea. Love is blossoming all over this campus!
Kim Jumi's life is like that of any other teenager preparing for her SAT's: all work and no play. But one summer day, she witnesses something on the rooftop of her school... From then on, she finds herself getting progressively more tangled up with two boys who're in a complicated relationship.
Normal 21-year-old college student Ara has been close friends for 15 years with a hot guy that catches the eye of all girls, Kyung Hoon. More comfortable hanging with him than any other girl, this is the story of love that begins with this one male friend.