Due to the invasion of Disas, enigmatic creatures of soil from the land of the dead, mankind, who was on the verge of crisis, was saved by the efforts of magical girls who had obtained a mysterious magical power. Three years later, new incidents suddenly occur, tearing apart the normalcy of the girls who had each returned to their normal lives. The saviors of humanity, those magical girls called "the Legendary 5 (The Magical Five)" now live each day fighting for their lives, even as they are trifled with by fate...
The 4-koma crack comedy is back, and this time around Gorou's crush on his sadistic, older stepsister Haru has reached the stage where more or less openly sexual innuendos have become part of their everyday life. The pair's "peaceful" days would have continued if only it weren't for Haru's cousin Aoi-chan and (dangerously?) younger sister-like existence.
From Tokyopop: Ayumu Shiiba is studying for the all-important high school entrance exams. She is struggling to get by, but thankfully has help from her best friend Shii-chan, who is at the top of their class. Test results come back and their friendship falls apart when Ayumu surpasses Shii-chan's scores and gets into her high school of choice while Shii-chan doesn't! Losing Shii-chan is so painful for Ayumu that she starts cutting her wrists for comfort. Hoping for a fresh start, Ayumu arrives at her new high school and finally opens up to a new friend, Manami. But will Manami prove to be the friend that Ayumu truly needs or send her further in a downward spiral?
Jack the Ripper; Ed Gein; Andrei Chikatilo; John Wayne Gacy; Jeffrey Dahmer - separate from these serial killers who shocked the world, there exist offenders known as "Innocent Devils", who murder without malice. A criminal psychologist and her beautiful assistant probe the depths their minds.
At Hagakure Academy, there is Bunbu Ryoutou - a competition of Martial Prowess and Scholarship. Kaori Arimajiki is terrible at this competition, dubbed the "Academy's Weakest One." Kaori was bullied by his fellow classmate and considering quitting the school. Kiwako Soushuin, a beautiful yet eccentric girl who is also a member of the Student Council, went to his house and "convinced" Kaori to take a last shot at another Bunbu Ryoutou, should Kaori win "You will be on track to become this Academy's Strongest One," said Kiwako. What plan does Kiwako have in mind? What kind of situation Kaori will get himself into?
Mihama Academy - on the surface, a closed learning environment established to nurture students who find themselves at odds with the world around them; in actuality, an orchard-cum-prison built to preserve fruit that has fallen too far from its tree. Whatever the circumstances behind its establishment, Mihama Academy is at present home to five female students, all with their own reasons for "enrollment." For better or worse, each girl has established a routine obliging of her current situation; life moves at an idle, yet accommodating pace within the walls of Mihama. Yet with the arrival of the institute's first male student, the nearly preposterously opaque Kazami Yuuji, the students at Mihama begin to fall out of step with their predetermined rhythms. Will Yuuji prove to be the element the girls around him needed to take hold of their lives once more, or will the weight of their pasts prove too steep a wall to overcome? Based on the visual novel of the same name by Front Wing. This spin-off focuses heavily on Yumiko Sakaki's story.
Eunhyeon, an unmatched S-class psychic, he is also famous for having a glamorous relationship with the opposite sex. He told him that he had a satisfying night with several guides. The superior orders a forced transfer to District 5 in the sense of staying calm. It's not enough that I was suddenly assigned to a province. The newly matched guide is a man...!! In contrast to expectations due to the high matching rate Eun-hyun thinks that Jae-woo, who has become his new partner, is old-fashioned. While he was waiting for the day he would return to the central center. He witnesses a mysterious scene where Jae-woo gets along with a male Esper…
The story centers on Lieselotte Sherlock, an evil mage from the original manga
"I can live with you. Since we're friends, aren't we supposed to help each other when we're in trouble? It's only for a limited time." I was supposed to share a room with my friend. But because a sudden cancellation, I was at a loss. Kitazawa, my best friend, is a handsome man, everything between us were always so easygoing. From the moment we met, we hit it off right away. It was special and comforting to me that he remained my "best friend" even after I graduated. As long as we're still friends and keep a good distance, it'll be fine or that was what I thought.
From Lezhin: Thinking she's all by herself on the last train home, Nayeon feels the urge to enjoy herself by fantasizing about her desires. However, a reflection from the train windows show that a mystery man is on the same train. He comes up to her and offers his business card. At the thought of seeing this handsome stranger once more, she takes his offer and arrives at a place called Peach Puff. What is this place? What are these people doing? You may also like: + Refrain Love + Polyamory + Ghost Love
It was three months ago when Souka suffered a seizure... The name of the illness is the "I-Type Vibeil Outbreak." To summarize the illness, it basically multiplies the antibodies inside of her body by enormous amounts, causing the antibodies to attack her own body, which will eventually lead to her death. There is no cure for this illness, but there is one treatment. That is to deliver her antibodies to another patient, Cildy, by biting into her body to transfer the antibodies. Cildy also carries an illness called the "Louge Golge Syndrome" which is the complete opposite of Souka's I-Type Vibeil Outbreak and Cildy carries no antibodies, which will cause her to become vulnerable to diseases. The two need each other to survive, but they notice as time passes that Cildy is becoming weaker and weaker. At the same time, Souka hints at a secret that Cildy carries with her. That secret veils all the facts about their diseases...
At first sight Jun seems like a hot vamp, however her sexy look is a complete lie. In reality she is a very shy wallflower. But what's even worse: She is still a virgin! In desperation, she seeks refuge in her erotic daydreams which always turn into some odd situations. And if that wasn't enough, she also finds out that the man of her dreams lives nearby. An oblique erotic comedy about the burden of lust!