A story follows Yuji, a high school freshman who, after being mugged by a couple of crooks, discovers he can control energy. Shortly after his confused discovery, a man in white asked him to join a school with energy users like him. After seeing how the unnoticeable world of energy users operate, he decides to go with the flow and tag along with his two best friends, his childhood crush, Schrödinger Kohai, his short senior, and his nutjob teacher to exorcise corrupted spirits, but he'll soon find out this side of the world isn't just about bettering the lives of civilians and exorcising corrupted spirits...
Song Jaeyoung, a typical high school student, is perplexed when Kang Yihan, a mysterious classmate, suddenly breaks down in tears at the sight of him. Following this encounter, Jaeyoung's life takes an unexpected turn as Yihan begins sticking close by, offering his help with an unusual sense of familiarity. As strange events begin to unfold around him, Jaeyoung grapples with the growing question: Can he truly trust this enigmatic boy who seems to know him so well?
If he takes this medicine once a day for 7 days, he'll be getting 700 million won?! Eungyu received a part-time job recommendation from his lifelong friend, Nara. He agreed, and with a hesitant mind, he went to the said place which turns out to be a place where a very dangerous man with questionable morals was awaiting him...
If there's people, there's inheritance. And if there's inheritance, there's trouble. At a prominent mystery novelist's funeral, a bitter "family feud" over his estate has begun. A videotape of the author's will shown at the site of the funeral has been like that first boxing bell of a fight, sounding the beginning of a merciless struggle between the author's three daughters and his secretary. Hot on the scent of this delectably shady case is a certain detective who goes by the name Nao Haie. Claiming to be a detective who specializes in any trouble having to do with inheritance and with a sense of smell like that of a hyena, Haie will blow the mysterious case of the author's will and the secrets it hides wide open!! A one-of-a-kind inheritance mystery begins now!!
Princess Mio is betrothed to Prince Chika. However, they've never met, and he doesn't know her secretshe's a mermaid! When her tutor, Yuri, takes her out of the castle to meet her subjects, Mio begins to accept her true self. But Yuri has a secret too And when Mio tells her father, the king, she wants to live life openly as a mermaid, he punishes her. How can she stay true to herself?
I want to find out the secret of the natural and slightly H Mizuki-sensei......!!!?Tenma Akitaka, a curious junior high school boy, has something he can't stop thinking about. It's his homeroom teacher, Mizuki-sensei. Her glasses and dull outfit gives her a plain appearance, but for some reason she always visits the old school building with her cute face!!!!Tenma's intellectual curiosity gets the better of him and he decides to investigate her secret. However, the more he investigates his sensei, the more her naughty and natural happenings are revealed to Tenma! He is supposed to be investiigating her, but all he can do is satisfy his H-seeking curiosity! Can he keep up with Mizuki-sensei's naughty happenings and explore her secrets?The teacher is a natural and satisfies your intellectual curiosity in this exciting, secret, observational romantic comedy...♪
One day, Onitsuka Yamato, an office worker, kills another man who attacked him. When he took that man's life, a sound effect rang in his head informing him of his own strengthening and the acquisition of a spell. He had become a "murdelizer", a being whose level goes up when he kills someone. Yamato resolves to survive - even if it means killing people, kill someone within a week or else he will die.
The God of Destruction Magu Menueku has been summoned by the Chaos Cult. Humanity last hope is the honorable Holy Knights! The battle to save mankind...took place hundreds of years ago... But now a girl out in the country named Ruru releases the legendary god of destruction who had been trapped in a magical jewel! Will the natto-eating, destruction beam-blasting Magu-chan fill the world with complete chaos? This heart-warming, destructive comedy series is ready to explode onto the scene!
In a world where infected people are treated like monsters. Zakaria who got infected by a powerful virus works with the organization to eliminate all the other infected people in Malaysia, and in return, he will gain back his freedom and pursue his career as a comic artist.
When young college grad Jung Seyi gets lost on the way to her grandma's funeral, she seeks shelter at a botanical garden she stumbles across deep in the mountains. Before she knows it, she's accepted a job as a member of the garden's crew under the guidance of the mysterious but charming director. The whole situation seems like a dream come true, but as Seyi begins to have eerie visions and experience disturbing things, she quickly realizes that she may have been lured into a nightmareShadow Garden, mangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.
In order to get rid of the fate of death, high schooler Xu Sixian and Li Yunshan, a high school classmate in the future, join forces to find out the real culprit!
A one-shot compilation with themes of suffering, crime, and betrayal, incorporating elements from gekiga.- **Cave In**: A young man gets to the bottom of a mining incident from 20 years ago that isn't what it seems.- **The Flowers and the Ruffians**: Ken is sent to a cabin that houses other vicious men in the barren north. His goal? Plant seeds, and have them flower on the land, no matter what.- **Decisive Battle at Cannibal's Cape**: A team of soldiers is weary from long battle on an island. Some are willing to go to great extremes - even if it means some may be expendable...- **The Ghost of the Jet Base**: Detective Hazama is called to investigate paranormal activity at an air base, but finds himself wrapped up in more than he bargained for.- **Fire Valley**- **Tatsumaki Voyage Log**- **Wings and Stardust**---**Volume 319 of the Osamu Tezuka Complete Works**