The story is set in "No. 6," a future model city in 2013. Raised as a top-ranking elite since the age of 2, a boy named Shion lives in an exclusive area in No. 6. On the night of his 12th birthday, he rescues a boy who calls himself "Nezumi" ("Rat"). Nezumi ran away from the city's Special Security Area. From that moment on, Shion's life is changed forever...
The young Erwin Smith is a rising star in the Survey Corps, humanity's only hope of defeating the man-eating monsters known as Titans. Ruthless and dispassionate, Erwin’s mind is devoted to strategies and intrigue. But beneath Erwin’s feet is another world, the Underground, where humans are born and die surrounded by the garbage the Capital throws away. Here, the criminal Levi survives on his wits and agility. But when these two ambitious men cross paths, who will prove himself stronger? The origin story of Levi and Erwin.
Yusuke Saito is a normal high school kid...well, normal enough, though there's six months missing out of his memory. But when he starts to get confronted by people who insist they're from his past, who allege that he did horrible things to them...suddenly Yusuke realizes that those missing six months may be crucial to remember. Otherwise, the skeletons in his closet may just make him a skeleton, too...
[from cotton candy scans] Rize, who’s a university student, met Kairi at her part-time job at the supermarket. While lending her shoulder to Kairi who has trouble sleeping, she is reminded of her older brother who left her when she was young, and Rize starts to feel affection towards him. However, she was shocked when she saw Kairi’s diary in his apartment saying that he had killed someone. What is the truth behind the person she likes? As the truth slowly comes to light, Rize starts chasing after her love for Kairi! This is Morie Satoshi’s rollercoaster work that has crime, mystery and love!!
Yoshino Takigawa is visiting his friend's family grave. After he getting there, he is encountered Evangeline Yamato, a woman in search for his friend Mahiro Fuwa, who left a month ago to find his family's killer without any clues to who it might be. Evangeline informs Yoshino that two places where Mahiro has been spotted have been quarantined, due to an epidemic. When Evangeline is questioning Yoshino at gun-point, Mahiro comes out of nowhere and swiftly saves him and can stop bullets in mid-air, claiming to have a deal with a sorceress; not just any, but the strongest sorceress, Hakaze Kusaribe, who promised to help find his family's killer with her magic so he can kill the killer himself. After saving Yoshino, Mahiro informs him about the epidemic, a curse that turns living things into metal, claiming Kusaribe clan plans to revive the Tree of Zetsuen that could destroy the world.
when he opened his eyes, he had a dagger in hand and there was a female corpse lying next to him. he couldn’t remember anything, who he was, why he was there, and why he had superpowers. In a panic, he could only try to avoid police pursuit and investigate the matter in private. But when he came face to face with the truth, he didn’t know what he should do anymore…
Leon, an elite soldier from a militaristic Europe, was forcibly embarked on a secret expedition. In a ruined Japan, abandoned for more than 200 years, he and his companions in misfortune must recover a terrifying weapon. Its code name: Tsugumi. All we know about it is that its destructive potential is such that the world has preferred to crush the archipelago under a shower of atomic bombs rather than see its development completed...<br><br>But the operation turned short: the plane crashed, and Leon found himself alone in Tokyo Bay. Hungry, at the end of his strength, with only one anti-radiation suit for protection, he quickly discovers that the city is not as deserted as expected...
Five students, 3 women and 2 men, wash ashore a remote island, survivors of ship sinking. Finding themselves in this extreme situation, their instinct and conscience intersect and collide! Crossing thoughts, feelings of love and hate mixed with trust and betrayal. A story of uncontrollable libido and murderous intent… Original R18 web novel:
<div class="description-summary"> <div class="summary__content show-more active"> Lindsay is a top-secret spy about to take on her most difficult mission yet: to disguise herself as a man?! Her target is the Duke. Rich, mysterious, and… an infamous womanizer. Cutting her hair, drinking elixirs to hide her voice, as a servant she must infiltrate his manor and investigate the mysterious disappearance of lords and ladies in the area. However, when she meets the Duke for the first time and he kisses her, is it her identity that’s compromised or her heart… </div> </div>
A young man who can see people’s sins in the form of youkai gets employed at a sort of odds-and-ends agency run by supernatural beings.
When a police officer is posted to a remote village in the countryside, little does he realize he's encroaching on a community of cannibals...
“Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” A submissive, quick-tempered hunter and a sly, dominant vampire! The genius hunter, Bai Mu, a little-known celebrity, accidentally got captured. He soon realized the one who captured him was a young vampire, who also turned out to be his childhood best friend. Since then, he was unable to escape, nor hide away, since all the possessive vampire wanted was to make Bai Mu his. “Mu, I’ll give everything I have, just to make you mine again.”