Juri Yukawa lives with her NEET father and brother, her retired grandfather, her sister (a single mother) and her young nephew. One day, her nephew and brother are kidnapped for ransom. Having only 30 minutes to meet the demands of the kidnappers, Juri, who realizes there is not enough time to prepare the money, decides to head for their rescue by herself with knife in hand when her grandfather uses a mysterious stone passed on in the Yukawa family to stop time. In a world where everyone and everything are inert, Juri and her father and grandfather run to rescue the two. But at the kidnappers' hideout, they soon realize they are not the only ones who can move about in this still world...
Two friends investigate the disappearance of a writer on a small island, which has been largely cut off from the mainland since the fall of the Shinto during the Meji era. They stumble across several strange occurrences, such as a naked female corpse hanging upside down on a tree during one stormy night. Locals speak of old-standing traditions, folk rituals and superstitions, but after more bodies were found, Shiho and Tsuyoshi wonder if there's a serial killer among the locals...
Love filled with murderous intent-- When Kamishiro Taku met his unrequited love Hanazono Mika, he saw a vision where he tried to murder Hanazono by stabbing her throat with an umbrella. In a harsh and cruel world he lives in, will his defiance bring him hope or despair?
Saki comes from a poor family and leads a boring life filled with constant studying. She worries about her relationship with her parents not ending well and any lingering backlash caused by their fights. One day, she happens upon a group of troublemakers who pressures her into smoking a cigarette. Somehow, her relationship with them turns out to be more pleasant than expected. The time she spends with them makes her alive and revitalized. However, this is only the beginning of her unfortunate life. A tragic suspense story about a young girl falling from grace.
The girl I love is my brother's ex-girlfriend. She's a trashy girl who's clingy, stubborn, and takes advantage of my weaknesses. But I can't seem to stop our relationship.
A man sets out on a journey to go away from his repetitive and boring life. He finds unbelievable things, terrible things. Note: This manga contains cannibalism.
Taro Kajiura and his friends from the same folkloristic research group at Tonan University went on a trip to Ikishima island in order to pursue the origins of the myth about princess Kwannon. At the same time the villagers of Ikishima were holding the annual festival in which outsiders were forbidden to participate in since 400 years. The consequences for breaking that rule were more severe that anyone had imagined...
Can a poem save your life?Words are powerful. Insults and rumors can derail a career; a bit of encouragement can give someone the strength to pursue their dreams. When a high school boy skipping class to sketch shoe designs and a taciturn woman drinking a morning beer meet in a Tokyo park, they say little, but the woman bids farewell with an ancient tanka poem. Will the boy figure out the poem's meaning and its corresponding response before it's too late?
An adaptation of Edogawa Ranpo's eponymous novel. It's Tokyo and the year is 1924. A young tradesman by the name of Minoura Kinnosuke finds his fiancée murdered inside a locked room. As he struggles to find the culprit, a doctor by the name of Moroto Michio, who has long harboured unrequited feelings towards Minoura, offers to help solve the case.
A text message would be sent out to people whose lives were in danger, guiding them to safety. This mysterious system called itself the "Police Inspector". One day, three youngsters—who had been saved by the Police Inspector in the past—receive another text. This time, it is the Police Inspector who needs help. Now, Natsumi, Shogo, and Teru work for the mysterious texter, who gives them clues as they track down a criminal. But who or what is this mysterious texter... and can they really trust it?
A new masterpiece from the author of Fuan No Tane, Nakayama Masaaki. It comprises of horror stories using introspection that will unhinge you ~ best for midnight viewing!
A boy jumps off a building ready to end it all.