Reverse harem - Page 3

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

38 results

Max level green tea transmigrates into little pitiful one

Lin Feilu, or better known by her nickname—Green Tea Princess, was the best of all the scheming b*tches that the world had ever seen. She was the Oscar-winning actress among the masses with real life as her stage. Acting coy, slandering, feigning innocence, or playing the saint, she aced it all. Simply put, she was the proverbial villainess. Ah, but retribution came way too early for this malicious personage and she died on her 27th birthday. In death, Lin Feilu reflected on her career of 20 years as the Green Tea Princess. She was full of regret and remorse over the life she once led. She vowed, if there was an afterlife, she would atone for her misdeeds and be a good person. [ From Novel Updates ] 满级绿茶穿成小可怜 / The Villainess Wants to Turn Over a New Leaf / 满级绿茶穿成小可怜 / Max Level Green Tea Crossing to Be Small and Pitiful / Max Level Green Tea Transmigrates Into Little Pitiful One / Mǎn Jí Lǜchá Chuān Chéng Xiǎo Kělián / Such a Bitch Looks Like a Pity


The Predator’s Contracted Fiancée

“You shouldn’t have crossed this line, Elisha, if you didn’t want it to be like this.” A sturdy arm wrapped around her swaying body. Her head became hazy and an intentional hot sweet sigh was pulled out of her. ‘How the hell did I get myself in this situation—’ Elisha recalled. This never happened before. ‘Yeah, I remember.’ Her future in which she would become the fake concubine to a demonic man from the same family, and would be eaten to death—even down to her bone marrow. A future in which the Cartier ducal family is embroiled in a power struggle and fragmented. To avoid that future, Elisha threw herself at Lucerne, the archrival of her former life. Yeah. There was no problem. She knew this man, before and after her regression. She already knew he was the most notorious maniac in the Empire. 20-year-old Elisha owes 30,000 gold coins (about 15 billion won in Korean currency or around 15 million in USD). After going back in time, in order to avoid a hellish life because of debt, she becomes the most capable illegitimate child in the world and visits Lucerne, the archenemy of her master. “What do you want from me?” “Please lend me some money. And… make me your subordinate. I’ll give you all the information I have.” “Why should I trust you?” “I’ll give myself up as collateral.” Lucerne listened to Elisha and watched her quietly. “Okay. But I decide how to deal with the collateral.” “…….” “First of all, marry me.” “…… huh?” Elisha didn’t expect it either. That her information transaction would become a marriage contract.


The Predator’s Fiancée

포식자의 혼약자 “You shouldn’t have crossed this line, Elisha, if you didn’t want it to be like this.” A sturdy arm wrapped around her swaying body. Her head became hazy and an intentional hot sweet sigh was pulled out of her. ‘How the hell did I get myself in this situation—’ Elisha recalled. This never happened before. ‘Yeah, I remember.’ Her future in which she would become the fake concubine to a demonic man from the same family, and would be eaten to death—even down to her bone marrow. A future in which the Cartier ducal family is embroiled in a power struggle and fragmented. To avoid that future, Elisha threw herself at Lucerne, the archrival of her former life. Yeah. There was no problem. She knew this man, before and after her regression. She already knew he was the most notorious maniac in the Empire. 20-year-old Elisha owes 30,000 gold coins (about 15 billion won in Korean currency or around 15 million in USD). After going back in time, in order to avoid a hellish life because of debt, she becomes the most capable illegitimate child in the world and visits Lucerne, the archenemy of her master. “What do you want from me?” “Please lend me some money. And… make me your subordinate. I’ll give you all the information I have.” “Why should I trust you?” “I’ll give myself up as collateral.” Lucerne listened to Elisha and watched her quietly. “Okay. But I decide how to deal with the collateral.” “…….” “First of all, marry me.” “…… huh?” Elisha didn’t expect it either. That her information transaction would become a marriage contract.


Master and Her Seven Lovers

* A game of romance that may prove to be fatal! Detective Winnie Kiu entered a virtual game while in pursuit of a murderer. She put her life on the line and relied on Code Guest's help to save seven princes trapped in the game. Solving cases in the real world and adventuring in the game world, romance is everywhere in this intense and exciting game. The seven princes await their master's arrival! 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The Most Beloved

One more shot at life! After her untimely demise, Xue Rong is rewarded with the chance to be reincarnated — but this time as some sort of cute, furry creature! She soon realizes that not only is she in the distant past, but also smack dab in the middle of an academy full of beautiful men!


All These Wild Men Want to Marry Me!

Waking up in the world of “Love and Pandora”, a trashy otome mobile game set on the Pandora Continent, the main character found that she had transmigrated as the renowned villainess of the game, Medea, the queen who would be executed in the future. To change her fate, she decided not to cross paths with the male leads, or the original female lead of the game. Unbeknownst to her, however, all the male leads were revived with their memories of their past lives, and they felt deep guilt towards Medea. On the other hand, Freya, the original female lead of the game, noticed Medea and started romancing her as well… All These Wild Men Want to Marry Me! (Official) / 野男人都想嫁给我 / Rude Men All Want to Marry to Me All Wild Men Want to Marry With Me Rude Men All Want to Marry to Me Ye Nan Ren Dou Xiang Jia Gei Wo Yě Nán Rén Dōu Xiǎng Jià Gěi Wǒ 野男人都想嫁给我


Welcome, It’s the First Time With This Kind of Villainess

How did I accidentally change the empire’s entertainment industry? This is the success story of an evil woman’s virtuous life!! I spent an entire five years as a trainee, working relentlessly to achieve my goal. But before I knew it, my juniors began debuting before me! I lived days without hope, without being given a single chance, and now this happens…?! One day, I suddenly took possession of a duke’s daughter, Ashley. Presumed a wicked women, even though she never intended to be, Ashley was fated to die by fire. I only have one year left to live! But, why are there so many handsome guys here? “Well, I’ve made up my mind!” Before I meet my end, I’ll gather them all and start a boy group…!


My Younger Brother’s Friends

After her parents died in an accident, Gaeun, a senior student in college, lived with her younger brother, a high school student. She lived brightly and confidently while hiding her pain. After breaking up with her boyfriend, who was her ideal type, she thought she wouldn’t date anymore. However, she ended up getting tied up with Dowan, who knew her since they were young, Sangwoo, who was her younger brother’s class Vice President, and Joon, who was a part-time student in an Art Academy. It suddenly became an ambiguous atmosphere amongst the younger men. One day, Gaeun gave an invitation to her friends saying that she’d decided to marry her younger brother’s friend. Ultimately, which of the three will she marry…?


The Secret Queen

Praised solely on her looks for years, Lia was eager to put everything behind her and start anew… Until she got kidnapped and tossed into the harem of an unknown ruler. Desperate and afraid, Lia makes a deal with Karian, the handsome yet ruthless regent to the king, who seems strangely drawn to her. Will Lia be able to keep up appearances as Karian’s concubine long enough to search for the hidden assassin in their midst? And once she does, will that be the very leverage she’ll need to make her escape?Source of collecting


Falling in Love Is Not as Good as the Boy Band, Crown

Falling in Love Is Not as Good as the Boy Band Crown manhua, Yun Shang was reborn— before her debut with the little brothers, who are idols part of the popular band Crown, she found out she was reborn in the body of the “Vicious Female supporting actress” all the guys in Crown hated; Lu YoYo. The little cuties who believed they were helpless, pitiful, and weak, were big bosses who stabbed people’s hearts. To change this tragic fate of herself and the idols, Lu YoYo, clutching into her deteriorating heart, raised her flag and decided to change the fate of these idols.


Jealousy Inducers

I want to have a romantic relationship. They have come for those who only trigger jealousy!


Red Thread Gods

An owner of a wedding boutique , Hong Nanyi. After breaking up with an old car she thought of marrying before, she later meets a Benz at someone else’s wedding. That’s when the three men appear. Three men who used to work as designers for underwear, bouquets, and shoes turned out to be gods. At night, they become Moonlight Reapers who binds people into marriage by a red thread to fulfill their work. What did they look like in her past life? Who will stay by her side in this life? This is a love story between three men and a woman.
