Romance - Page 2

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

5164 results

I Became My Crush’s Servant

Read Manga I Became My Crush’s Servant; Oshi No Geboku Ni Narimashite The Protagonist, Grieving The Death Of Her Favorite Character, Finds Herself Reincarnated Into The Game’s World Before Her Beloved’s Demise! As The Mob Character Lou Lurea, She Resolves To Save Her Favorite Character No Matter What. However, She Is Reincarnated Into A Magical Academy Filled With Handsome Vampires. As The Only Human, Lou Is Nothing More Than A Delicious Treat To Everyone. While Being Pursued As “Prey” By The Characters, She Struggles To Prevent Her Favorite’s Bad Ending…?! A Story Begins Where Love For Her Favorite Character Changes Destiny! “I Became My Crush’s Servant Manga” Is Another Name: 推しの下僕になりまして


In This Life, I Will Raise You Well, Your Majesty!

Read Manhwa In This Life, I Will Raise You Well, Your Majesty! She Gave Her All To Make Her Son, 3Rd Prince Leon, Emperor. On The Day This Dream Was Fulfilled, She Went To The Place Where The Emperor’s Coffin Rested, Where She Found Her Son Dying From The Poison He Had Drunk Himself. “I… Have Never Been Happy In My Life.” Only Despair Was Left For Elisha, Who Was Holding Onto Her Son’s Cold Corpse. “Leon…” However, After Losing Consciousness, She Woke Up To Find That Her Young Son Was Looking At Her With His Lovely Face! “If This Isn’t A Dream, If It’s A New Opportunity… I Stole A Lot Of Things In The Name Of Doing It For You, So If You Ask Me, I Will Do Whatever You Want.” Elisha, Who Vowed To Become A Good Mother In This Life, Instead Of Piling Up Dead Bodies And Squeezing Blood In A War To Claim The Emperor’s Throne, Makes A Different Choice From The Past By Weaving Ties With Her Stepson, The Crown Prince. 이번 생은 제대로 키워 드리겠습니다, 폐하!, Your Majesty, I Will Raise You Well In This Life


A Contract With Mr. Herbivore

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For The Princess Who Will Disappear

Read Manhwa For The Princess Who Will Disappear After A Life Tangled With Pickpockets, Sasha Discovers She Might Be A “Princess”!? Selling A Necklace By Mistake Leads Her All The Way To The Royal Palace. Quick-Witted And Bold, Sasha, The Street-Savvy Princess, And Rascan, The Cold-Hearted Duke And Her Fiancée Who Silently Stands By Her Side, Embark On A Secret Romance! “For The Princess Who Will Disappear Manhwa” Is Alternative: 사라질 황녀를 위하여

1 days ago

The Guardian Dragon And The Fake Princess

Read “The Guardian Dragon And The Fake Princess Novel” – “The Guardian Dragon And The Fake Princess Manhwa” Online Free At Top Manhwa The Summary Of The Comic The Guardian Dragon And The Fake Princess: Ceria, Who Is A Lowly Serf. She’s Blonde And The Beautiful Appearance Of Cheongan. I Am Destined To Become A Concubine Of The Lord Early On. “Kkii-” One Day, Ceria Was The Same As Her In The Forest. I Meet A Baby Dragon With Blue Eyes. “You Name Is Cisrelijah.” A Short Meeting Like Fate That I Want To Be There Once In My Life And A Scheduled Breakup… . Afterwards She Is Almost Killed In A Vortex Of Rough Fate. Ceria’s View, Prepared For Death, Is Filled With Familiar Blue Snow. Ceria. “Size?” I Really Wanted To Meet You. Ceria. “Me Too. My Only Friend.” Ceria, Who Met Seeds Again. Become The Owner Of The Empire’s Guardian Dragon, Ant Sesteria. He Will Be Reborn As Elferia, The False Princess Of The Elian Empire! “The Guardian Dragon And The Fake Princess” Is Also Known As: The Guardian Dragon And The Princess Of Lies / 守护龙与假公主 / 守護竜と偽りの皇女 / 수호룡과 거짓의 황녀 The Comic “The Guardian Dragon And The Fake Princess” Belongs To The Genre: Adaptation, Fantasy, Manhwa, Romance “Kun Manga, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website S2Manga. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comic Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King By Scavenging


The Cannon Fodder Princess Wants To Last

Read Manhwa Princess Cannon Fodder Wants To Last / 炮灰公主想苟到最后 On The Way To Escape The Marriage, The Heroine Fell Into The Lake Due To A Miscalculation Of A Math Problem, And Passed Through To The Former Princess Mu Yunkai Who Was Being Hunted Down. As Long As The System Settings Are Full, You Can Return To The Original World And Live Again! I Thought This As A Journey Full Of Happiness With Beautiful Men, But Why Do All Of Them Want… To Kill Her?


The Saint Dreams Of A Secret Love

Read Manhwa The Saint Dreams Of A Secret Love / The Saint Dreams Of Secret Love / 성녀는 은밀한 사랑을 꿈꾼다 Leah, Who Suddenly Becomes A Saintess, Leads A Secluded Life In The Academy’s Auxiliary Shrine Before Being Publicly Announced As The Saintess Who Reappeared After 50 Years. During Her Time At The Academy, She Meets A Man In The Quiet Third Library And Ends Up Having A One-Night Encounter With Him…

9 hours ago

I Was Just Having Fun With The Time Limit

Read “I Was Just Having Fun With The Time Limit Manga” – “I Was Just Having Fun With The Time Limit Manhwa” Online Free At Hotmanga The Summary Of The Comic I Was Just Having Fun With The Time Limit: In My Previous Life, I Had A Limited Time, But I Reincarnated As Someone With Limited Time Again! Although This Time Too My Life Is Limited, I Got A Life That Lasts For 21 Years. Even If I Feel Constrained, Even Breathing Makes Me Happy! The Family Love I Feel For The First Time, And My Mother Asking Me To Grow Up Healthy. This Life Is A Gift To Me. “I Was Just Having Fun With The Time Limit” Is Also Known As: 시한부를 즐겼을 뿐이었는데 /  I Was Just Enjoying The Deadline The Comic “I Was Just Having Fun With The Time Limit” Belongs To The Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Kids, Manhwa, Romance, Royal Family, Superhero, Transmigration “Manhuafast, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Kun Manga. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comic Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King By Scavenging


Hello, Innocent

Read Hello, Innocent Novel – Hello, Innocent Manhwa Online Free At ManhuaHot The summary of the comic Hello, Innocent: Yukito is a handsome scholarship student who also excels at sports. Just starting high school, he has never had the time to think about things like love. One day, he was saved by a girl he didn&#8217;t know. Turns out, she&#8217;s actually Yukito’s classmate who’s been absent since the school’s opening ceremony&#8230; &#8220;Hello, Innocent&#8221; is also known as: Hello,Innocent幸會純真的你 / مرحبًا،أيتها البرئية / ハロー、イノセント / 헬로, 이노센트 The comic Hello, Innocent belongs to the Genre: Drama, Romance, School Life, Shoujo, Slice of Life &#8220;Top Manhua, Battwo, Read Manga Online&#8230;&#8221; are the most searched keywords on the website ZINMANGA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at BunManga. You can read TOP MANGA Human Mask The Patron&#8217;s Daughters The Genius Idol&#8217;s Strategy to Stardom


Forcibly Occupy His Highness The Prince

Qiangzhan Huangzi Dianxia, Seizing the Crown Prince by Force Qiángzhàn Huángzǐ Diànxià 强占皇子殿下 &nbsp; &nbsp;


Boundless Necromancer

Read Manhwa Boundless Necromancer Online For Free At Kunmanga Boundless Necromancer Manga Also Known As “Boundless Ascension / The Boundless Necromancer / นักล่าไร้ลิมิต / 俺だけチート特性で無限成長 / 靠神級天賦無限成長 / 靠神级天赋无限成长 / 나 혼자 특성빨로 무한 성장 / 나 혼자 특성빨로 무한성장”. This Ongoing Webtoon Was Released On 2022. The Story Was Written By Fleecy Cloud / Shyatan And Illustrations By 2Love. The Content Of The Comic Boundless Necromancer: Seong-Yun Han Was Just A Boy When His Parents Were Killed By Monsters Unleashed During A Mysterious Calamity Called The “Dungeon Break.” Seven Years Later, Seong-Yun Is Devastated To Find That His Grinding Efforts To Become A Hunter, Fierce Warriors Who Seek Out And Destroy Monsters, Are Entirely In Vain, As His Fighting Attributes Have Not Increased At All. Seong-Yun’s World Flips On A Dime When He Accepts An Invitation To Join The Tower Of Trials, An Otherworldly Realm Where Challengers Must Overcome Trials That Pit Them Against Monsters And Humans Alike. The Comic Boundless Necromancer Belongs To The Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Manhwa, Manhwa Hot, Necromancer, Overpowered, Webtoons Hari Manga Is A Comprehensive Website Featuring The Latest And Hottest Manga, Updated Rapidly To Cater To Readers With High-Quality Images And Provide Them With Excellent Experiences. With Keywords Such As “Topmanhua” And “Manhwa Web,” As Well As Related Terms Like Manhwa Top, New Manga 2024, And Read Manhwa Engsub Ensures Readers Have Access To A Wide Selection Of Top-Notch Manga Content. Please Always Follow And Share With Your Friends To Support The Website So That We Have More Motivation To Publish The Latest And Best Comics. Follow Get To Read New Manhwa Updated: Noble Lady Or Whatever, I’m Going Home Maxed Out Leveling Exclusive Possession: Young Master Ji’s Beloved Wife

3 days ago