Yuzuru is a fifteen year old girl who is attending her first year in Houjou Academy. At her summer job, she met a troublesome rich boy, Renge Kai, who is attending the same school as her. Kai is part of the Kugeka, a class opened only to the rich students of Houjou. At the end of the summer break she finds out that she has become Kai's "Honey". This nickname is given to all the students from the regular class choosen by the Kugeka to become their assistants, so that the rich boys can be successful without any problem. The up side to being a Honey is that all their school fees will be taken care of. Although Yuzuru's family has some financial problems, she doesn't want to accept her role of being Kai's honey. But the only way to quit is to leave the school... What is she to do?
When Ao was in kindergarten, she smiled ear-to-ear as she told her classmates how her father, a bestselling erotic author, chose her name: "A as in apple and O as in orgy!" That day still haunts her ten years later as she studies with a single goal in mind: to get into an elite university and achieve independence from her father once and for all. She has no youth to misspend and no time to think about boys...until her classmate, "King Normie" Kijima, approaches her with a shocking confession of love. She tries to lose Kijima, but he just can't take a hint...and as her mind runs wild with dirty thoughts, she realizes her father has totally influenced her!
Cat girl daughter syndrome (Catulos syndrome) is a disease of unknown cause those girls from 0 to 12 years old suddenly become "cat girls"...
Yuuki Minami is a hard working student, she has just been inaugurated as Vice President but she knows she needs to keep on studying harder and harder to keep her grades up and escape her current family circumstances. All she needs is more time, more time to study and work her way up! When a ghost appears before her able to grant her wish, what will be the price for the gift of more time? Related Series: Watashi no Fushidara (Sequel)
I'm A Shy and Poor Otaku but This Beautiful Rich Young Lady is Obsessed with Me manga, Eiji is a high school student who lives with his unsuccessful novelist father. He's a nerd, a nerd, and even though he's poor, he's an obedient boy who doesn't forget the compassion for others that his late mother taught him. Aoi, the president's daughter of a large company, admires such an age. However, Eiji couldn't even look at the huge disparity with himself. After school one day, Aoi greets Eiji when she comes home. Eiji is surprised when Aoi tells her a word of surprise
It's about a high school girl, who is always having pervert fancies. One day, she falls in love with a plain-looking boy and tries to date with him. 4-panel manga
Jigokumeguri Haru is the heiress of one of the largest business empires in all of Japan. She is not only rich, but also practically a celebrity. However, partly because of her heritage and partly because of her arrogant and aloof behavior, she has always been isolated from her peers and has never been able to make friends. Thus she has – without success so far – transferred from school to school to finally find a place where she would be accepted. This only begins to change when she meets her new classmate Kawayanagi Tsurezure, an outcast weirdo that dresses in 20th century fashion, talks little and smiles even less. Both being somewhat socially awkward, they thus begin an unexpected friendship.
A story about two students who share a bad case of insomnia, who find napping refuge in their school’s abandoned observatory.
From Summer Rain: Mizuki cannot readily open her heart to anyone, but she is going to turn over a new leaf in high school and change that. But how can she get along with a good-looking group of four, especially with rumors at school about how they met? Although cautious at first, she gradually gets to know their true personalities. A story about good-looking men and the insanity of youth!
A cute story about the cute Mitsuishi-san and a boy named Hajime.
Yotsuya-kun joined the Discipline Committee in order to get closer to Shirogane-san, yet he can't read her facial expressions at all. Shirogane-san is always hiding her face behind her mask, but what may be the reason? Rom-Com shenanigans ensue. The first-ever serialization of the popular Twitter artist, Byte-sensei. Alternate raw: https://dengekidaioh.jp/product/shiroganesan/