It focuses on a boy named Yamano Koichi, who is one day revealed to be the heir to the supernatural powers of an alien named Babel, who was stranded on Earth 5000 years ago and built the biblical Tower of Babel. Koichi becomes Babel II, armed with supernatural powers and served the Three Servants: the shapeshifting Rodem, the giant, pterodactyl-like Ropross, and the humanoid aquatic robot Poseidon. With his newfound powers, Babel II seeks to put an end to the ambition to Yomi, a man from the Himalayas who seeks world domination.
From Dark Horse: Something monstrous rises up from the sea and nearly sinks a Japanese fishing boat. The sole survivor tells a tale that no one wants to believe. But when a Russian nuclear submarine is destroyed in the same waters, the world is forced to face the truth: Godzilla has returned! This manga classic was originally published by Dark Horse in black and white in 1988
A post-apocalyptic world. Following her last order, the mechanical soldier Ria has been fighting an endless war for over a hundred years. With the people she was meant to protect gone, and her comrades-in-arms lost, Ria spends her days fighting alone. Then, a human appears before her once more..!?
From the Animeraider: Japan is a seismically active country, so the occasional trembler isn't anything that people get too worked up about. They happen and it's unfortunate, but in general Japan is prepared. But there is one scientist who believes that he has found proof that a recent quake has triggered a cataclysmic event, and that within a year Japan will sink into the sea. Now if he can get anyone to believe him before it’s too late… Also known as Japan Sinks, this is based on the award-winning novel and movie of the same name. It's a well-written and complex story, and will seem like it's about something else before it gets into the meat of things. Well worth the effort.
Newly-transferred girl, Oribe, falls in love with the most popular and charismatic boy of the school, Sagara. But, Oribe is not what she seems? The tale of the mecha girl with the heart of a maiden unfolds!
Mobile Suit Gundam 00F is a manga side story that's concurrent in canon with the Mobile Suit Gundam 00 anime. The manga features the Celestial Being group called Fereshte that deploys the second generation Gundams, the GNY series. They are the shadow group of Celestial Being as to the primary Gundam Meister's and crew of the Ptolemaios. Fereshte was proposed by second generation Gundam Meister, Chall Acustica, and approved by Veda to support Celestial Being within their shadows. As Celestial Being begins their anti-war activities, Fereshte begins to move in with the group being led by Chall Acustica, an ex-veteran of Celestial Being who had ended her service as a Gundam Meister after getting scarred in an unknown accident. Under her wing is Fon Spaak, an 18-year old career criminal forced into Fereshte's service by using the GNY-004 Gundam Plutone as part of his "services" as a Meister pilot.
From Anime News Network It is October, Cosmic Era 71. The Second Battle of Yakin Due has brought about the end of the war between Earth and PLANT. Jess Rabble, a mobile suit pilot, journalist and cameraman, wishes to photograph the truth of the world from a mobile suit's perspective. During an encounter with the Junk Guild, he meets Lowe Gear, who offers him the newly completed Astray Out Frame in order to fulfill his goal. Now, with Lowe's talking computer '8' at his side, Jess ventures off to all corners of the Earth to film the new battles the world faces. Note: Volume 1 extra chapter 'Special Scoop.01 - Ed the Ripper' remains untranslated
Following the Tuatha de Danaan's seajacking incident, things are back to normal at Jindai High School in Tokyo, or as normal as they get with Sousuke guarding Kaname. After finding out who betrayed Mithril and caused the seajacking incident, Kurz and Mao are sent on a top secret mission in order to capture and bring the traitor back. However, Sousuke and Kaname's lives are about to change when they meet Leonard Testarossa, a high ranking member of a mysterious group named Amalgam. After their meeting, Leonard warns her that he would do anything to recruit her even if it means war in the streets of Tokyo.
From Manga Art: Miyu, whose mom was chosen to be an astronaut, was sent to live with Kanata, a boy she just met. Soon after, Kanata's father leave the two to live alone. Amidst the panic, a mysterious UFO came... and out popped Ruu and his babysitter-pet Wannya. For the sake of Ruu, the four of them start living together......
Hiro is a high school student refusing to go to school after a traumatic run-in with the local bullies. But his feeble life is forever changed when, one day, he applies online for a new gadget called "JUNK".
Coming to earth to live the high-school life he's always dreamt of, Hirito finds himself in a bathroom on top of a naked girl! It turns out she goes to the world renowned Konoeghara Academy. Hirito is shocked to find the school only consists of seven students in total! Why in the world does the one of the most prestigious academies in the nation only consist of seven pupils...? - Kiss Scans