A dystopian fantasy. In this futuristic world, humans are ruled over by faeries. The young master Yue Hu encounters the fairy Fei Liai, and gradually uncovers the truth and dark secrets behind them...
The manga's spinoff story centers on the Revenant Louis, who is also known as Sekiken (Red Sword).
From Tokyopop: Sergeant Keroro is the Captain of the Space Invasion Forces Special Advance Team of the 58th Planet of the Gamma Storm Cloud System, sent to the planet Pokopen (aka Earth) to collect intelligence for his planet's invasion force. He is also a frog. After his ship crash-lands in the planet earth, he takes shelter in the Hinata household, but the two kids, Fuyuki and Natsume, find him and take away his alien weapons. When his people discover that the Pokopenians are aware of him, Keroro is abandoned - left to fend for himself in this hostile world. But he's not alone - four other pre-invasion agents were are also lurking on Earth. In 2005 Sgt. Frog received the 50th Shogakukan Manga Award for children's manga.
To defend our peaceful life, Duklyon carries on struggling rain or shine. The enemy, a secret society of evil, is out to conquer the Earth. Go and fight, our Duklyon! Save our Earth!
Cyborg 009 Conclusion: God's War is intended to be a proper conclusion to the original Cyborg 009 series. The manga is illustrated by Masato Hayase and based on Ishinomori's original concept notes, sketches, and a novel draft, all of which had been gathered by his son, Jo Onodera.
Compilation book consisting of manga stories taking place during the events of season 2 of Kidou Senshi Gundam 00, telling short stories such as Soma's transformation into Marie, Sumeragi's return to Celestial Being, and Marina creating her song for Katharon.ACT 1: Setsuna & SajiACT 2: Allelujah & SomaACT 3: CB & SumeragiACT 4: Setsuna & MarinaACT 5: Saji & Louise and...
"I woke up in the hospital with nothing but fragments of memories from my life up to now. There was a man standing by my bed, who introduced himself as my lover. But one of my few recollections is of being left for dead in a snowy field by this very same man... Still, he looks like the only one who can provide me with the answers I need. Who the hell is he? What was the real relationship between the two of us?"
This is a story of an organization called B-Kikan made up of Jittoku, Nemu, and their boss. They help fight against Insects, parasitic organisms made by the government that feed on human bodies for nutrients.
A fierce, ruthless, aggressive and evil creature, the cosmic life form "Death" appears before the human race. An epic tale depicted by the brilliance of Hirai and Kuwata's on humanity's collapse and the birth of a new human race!
Vash is caught in a sticky situation with the evil Dodongo Bros. until Wolfwood saves him and they retreat. In the city, they meet with two men who want to hire Vash & Wolfwood to protect their city from those very same Dodongo Bros. A two-part oneshot in preparation for the new Trigun movie!