From Adachi's Universe: A quirky but fun series, Itsumo Misora explores the lives of six kids and how they are brought together by fate and the appearance of unusual powers. It contains everything Adachi is synonymous with: humor, sports, tangled lives, strange situations, and love triangles...
From Girls' Generation Scanlations: Back in his high-school year, Saganoshima has always dreamt of being a professional boxer and joining the lightweight division ever since he went to watch a match with his old friend, Natsu. The pair, Natsu being a wonder chef, and Saganoshima being clumsy and always getting injuries from training, has always been taken cared of by Natsu. Fast forward into the future when their dreams have been achieved, the two start drifting apart from one another. Will these two get the courage to confront each other, or will they let their emotions push them further away?
Vol 1 : Zutto Kitto Vol 2 : Zutto Kimi to Vol 3 : Zutto Tonari de 1 Vol 4 : Zutto Tonari de 2
Yasuoka Shion lost her parents, and her voice, when she was a murder. She was found amidst a blood-soaked room, and the only hint for the suspect was a Shougi board and one piece: the King. Now, Shion steps into the world of female professional Shougi players. As her popularity and fame slowly rises, so do the questions about her past, particularly the murder case that was never solved.
In the year 1947, the people of Shinjuku are down on their luck. With little money to buy food or necessities, some resort to gambling in order to survive. Traveling Tetsuya chooses to spend his time at Mahjong parlors where he is wiping the floor clean with his adversaries. However, Tetsuya meets the intensely-skilled Boushu-san, this is when he realizes that his skills are still lacking.
Six years ago, following a crushing defeat, a group of friends promised that they will one day take their friend Suzuo to the Koshien. Now in their first year of high school, the friends have reunited behind the pitcher Kitaro Kitaoji to keep their promise. With Suzuo as their manager and Kitaro's signature left-handed, underhand "Submarine Pitch," they may just go all the way.
Kakeru, a former elite runner at high school, is chased for stealing food. He is saved by a Kansei University student Haiji, who is also a runner. Haiji persuades Kakeru to live in the old apartment 'Chikuseisou' where he plans to team up with fellow residents to enter Hakone Ekiden Marathon, one of the most prominent university races in Japan. Kakeru soon finds out that all of the residents except for Haiji and himself are complete novices.
Qiu Ning, an apathetic snooker genius who grew up in a pool room, faces master Cheng Haiyan. Cheng Haiyan beats Qiu Ning, who lost for the first time ever, but gets interested in his skills. Qiu Ning joins Cheng Haiyan's snooker club hoping to become a professional and beat him
The story follows the women's volleyball team from a certain high school, especially one girl's fight to become the best.
At Hagakure Academy, there is Bunbu Ryoutou - a competition of Martial Prowess and Scholarship. Kaori Arimajiki is terrible at this competition, dubbed the "Academy's Weakest One." Kaori was bullied by his fellow classmate and considering quitting the school. Kiwako Soushuin, a beautiful yet eccentric girl who is also a member of the Student Council, went to his house and "convinced" Kaori to take a last shot at another Bunbu Ryoutou, should Kaori win "You will be on track to become this Academy's Strongest One," said Kiwako. What plan does Kiwako have in mind? What kind of situation Kaori will get himself into?
Araki Yatarou, a member of Toujou High School's soccer club, dreams of conquering Europe and becoming the best in the world. In the last game of his senior year of high school, taking the first step toward his dream to enter the professional world, he struggles to catch the attention of scouts but...
But my sense of balance is so bad that I can’t… That’s the trauma that high schooler Tsubame Ogawa has had to bear up under all these years. But starting when he meets naive rich boy Wada and joins the Bicycle club, he gets bound up in the terrifying world of cycling! Can’t Ride a Bike is a youth lifestyle comedy with a bunch of ridiculous young men!