Despite his athletic gifts, Ayasegawa Jiro is a loner who causes others to lose or give up on their dreams, all because of him. While struggling with his loneliness, he discovers the "Bambies," an uncompetitive baseball team whose motto is "having fun." Jiro finds joy in his baseball life with his teammates, but...This is a baseball youth drama that explores the relationship between a genius and his peers.
The birth of a younger brother and older brother basketball tale now starts! From that day, the younger brother and older brother's journey to become the "world's best basketball player" began. Being compared to his prodigious brother Riku and tired of his everyday life, Raimu works up his courage and decides to start playing basketball! Drawn by the previous assistant of Haruichi Furudate (Haikyuu!!) and recommended by the master himself, an acclaimed basketball manga!
From ANN: The story of Mix takes place in the same Meisei Gakuen high school as Touch, only it is set 26 years later. Like Touch, Mix revolves around brothers, and promotional images indicate that Mix will also have the sport of baseball as a theme.
An official *Inazuma Eleven* spin-off manga focusing on the casual daily life of Gouenji Shuuya, known as the \"Flame Ace Striker\" and shows what the cool collected Gouenji is thinking about.
A collection of side stories and anecdotes from Saitaniya Spin-off manga \"GIRLS und PANZER - phase.ERIKA\"
Akaba Ken is a top-rank stock-car driver who was involved in a horrific accident, which killed 6 spectators. He was badly hurt, but he survived and promised his younger sister that he would give up racing. He goes to America to help his father develop a new Formula 1 racer, but in the testing of the car runs at speeds that set records – so the pressure is on for him to return to racing, this time in the F-1 circuit. He has supporters, but there are also those who don’t want him to come back, including those who caused the original crash…
Uho-yeong had dreamed of becoming a soccer player. However, he was not blessed with the talent and died without realizing his dream, struck by lightning. It was then that the demon Mammon appeared, offering the ability to covet everyone's talents...
The climax of the Baki series, \"Hanma Baki\", newly re-edited! Hanma Yuujirou, the world\'s strongest creature, vs. Hanma Baki, the world\'s strongest high schooler... A spat between father and son on an unprecedented scale begins here!
"If I'm going to fall in love, I definitely want it to be with a guy who's as dazzling and charming as a prince!" With that ideal in mind, Risa encounters Hino, a classmate who's on the men's baseball team at school, and she sees a surprising side of him. Ever since that day, Hino has made her heart race, despite him having zero delicacy, being singlemindedly focused on baseball, and being the total opposite of a prince...?! This is a story of unexpected and frantic puppy love over a guy who otherwise really irritates her! Source: Kodansha
He joins the Demon Academy
Katsutoshi Umiyama is a young teacher of 25 years who is designated as responsible for the men's club volleyball school. The women's club, however, is in the hands of the beautiful Maho Kawashima. When Umiyama accidentally gets too close to a club girl, Ai, the student does not seem to be upset, but ...
Tom, a young student, is looking at all costs for a way to get closer to Harmony. Learning that she is passionate about chess, He decides to take an interest in it too. But he absolutely does not know the rules! He therefore chooses to be inspired by the greatest player in history: Garry Kasparov. To learn the techniques of the master faster, He analyzes his games against the Deep Blue computer using a virtual reality machine. But a short circuit will transfer all the knowledge of the Russian player to his mind and open the doors to something greater! Tom, jeune collégien, cherche à tout prix un moyen de se rapprocher de la belle Harmony. Apprenant que celle-ci se passionne pour les échecs, il décide de s'y intéresser également. Mais il n'en connaît absolument pas les règles ! Il choisit donc de s'inspirer du plus grand joueur de l'Histoire : Garry Kasparov. Pour apprendre plus vite les techniques du maître, il analyse ses parties contre l'ordinateur Deep Blue grâce à une machine de réalité virtuelle. Mais un court-circuit va transférer toutes les connaissances du joueur russe dans son esprit et lui ouvrir les portes du très haut niveau.