Akagi Gunma is a young, impetuous, and rash teenager who decides to move to the big city to fulfill his dream of racing a Formula One car. The story follows how this simple farmer boy from the country moves on to the city in pursuit of his dreams. F received the Shogakukan Manga Award in 1991 for seinen/general manga.
A short summary: This Manga is about people playing Ping Pong at a Hot Spring and getting way too heated up about it.
Two childhood friends, Noboru and Anne, grow up in France and love cycling. Noboru has never beaten Anne in a race. One day Noboru has to return to Japan. Noboru and Anne make a promise to meet in the Tour de France as professional cyclists for their respective countries. A story of Noboru's struggle to fulfill that promise. The oneshot appeared in 2017 issue 19 of Weekly Shounen Jump.
Karin has been turned down several times after doing all her best for the guys she liked to like her back. How can a single poem and destroyed skirt bridge her to the great Christmas present waiting her? Keep on the beat as she Break Dance on the music! A prologue to the manga Dancing Baby Karin.
Come spring, Nishiwaki Haruka becomes a second year high school student. For a second time. Due to accidents and illnesses, she didn't have enough attendance, thus the repeat year. She transferred to Yamabuki High to run away from her old friends. One day, the baseball team from her old high school came for a friendly match, and Haruka bumped into some old friends. Her new classmate, Ono Kenta, found out her secret. She agreed to be the manager-come-player to their weakling baseball team in order to keep him from telling her secret...
An official Inazuma Eleven spin-off series - Haizaki Ryouhei story starts here! Read about his life, from his first encounter with the genius playmaker Kidou Yuuto, to his daily shenanigans with his teammates - the other members of the Seishou Eleven (not to mention, guest appearances from popular characters of the Inazuma Eleven series). Chock full of scenes that are not shown in the anime, the magic of Inapen starts here...!
High schooler Torii plans to get the girl, even if she is his teacher. The teacher plans to grow up and leave behind her basketball-playing youth. In basketball, planning and strategy can win the game, but is that also true for real life? -Baka Updates
Kuroko is a member from the legendary middle school basketball team known as "The Generation of Miracles ", and while nobody seems to know about him, the main 5 players of the team all admit that he is a better player. When he joins the high school basketball team, everyone is surprised to find out that he is small, weak, and easy to miss. What is the secret that makes him so strong, and how will he help his high school team? -Nins Leprechaun {Correction from Silvermagic}
It's a story about an impulsive yet conscientious policewoman who got the talent on car racing and depending on which enables her to catch lots of criminials of the city. It's a story about a police couple acting against each other at first and fall in love with each other in the end. It's a story about speed and furious...
Jiang Xue has transferred from school to school ever since she was young, out of specific reasons. This summer, she meets Xia Zhi, our male lead who turns her world upside down. She also meets Shi Haitian who is crazy about her. A story full of youth, dreams and basketball is just about to unfold.
Kentarou's former shogi teacher taught him to (metaphorically) dive into the 81 squares of the shogi board. Thus, his nickname is "81 Diver". He has failed to enter the professional league of shogi competition. However, he continues to play the game for a living by gambling at amateur shogi clubs.
A 4-koma spin-off of Hanebado, published on the official Twitter account.