Ex-policeman Kanetsugu Nawa is a model prisoner, imprisoned for murder and attempted murder in an act of revenge for his late wife and daughter. After being released on parole and shunned by his only remaining family, he returns to the only thing he has left; his revenge. A strange young girl follows him upon his release, seemingly with an ulterior motive...
Sakuma is a college student who works part time at the Akutabe detective agency. There she does regular office work for private investigator Akutabe. However, Sakuma soon learns that Akutabe is no ordinary detective, but in fact a demon detective. He is able to summon demons through the use of a grimoire and use each of their special abilities by providing an offering. He uses their magical powers to solve the case he is working on and he wants Sakuma to start learning demon summoning. As Sakuma begins her journey to be a demon detective, little does she know the repercussions of using demons.
In modern day Japan, a suit of armor from the Middle Ages has been delivered...!?
Children have been disappearing mysteriously and it has been a major concern to many parents. One parent is found wandering about the streets asking people if they've ever heard of the swallow that cries at night. A waitress who works at a bar guides her to the bar and allows her to discuss her situation. In the bar, the waitress, a bartender, and a little girl listen. Once she has finished talking, she leaves. Now all the waitress and bartender has to do is wait. The little girl disappears from the bar and she appears on the streets. She finds and traces the girl in question and follows her to discover...?
He doesn't remember who he is, but he wanders the European nobility in search of the truth. On nights of the full moon, he thirsts for blood and the human memories they contain, hoping to reclaim his own.
From Echochi Scans: Yamada is a cameraman who works at a local TV station. He is asked to film the rumored appearance of a monster at a secret hot spring by the mountain recesses. What is it that he will find over there?
Yoru no Uta summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Yoru no Uta. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
"Lucid dreams, they are dreams in which the person is self-aware. I escaped my hospital life night after night in my dreams."
Yoshino Shinya is a high school boy who is bullied all the time at school, which leads him to have no friends. However, no one knows that he is actually half-youkai, and due to that, he has the desire to eat human flesh. But because of the promise he made with his youkai father never to prey on humans, Shinya tries to resist his youkai blood that is thirsty for human's blood, and live as a normal high school student. Will he be able to keep the promise he made with his father and keep his secret hidden?
From Aerandria Scans: “Those who meet the owner of the secret mansion never return to their world again…” There are rumours spreading around Kunuyuki's school which say that students mysteriously disappear one after another from the campus, and that there is a secret door hidden somewhere. This time the missing person is Kuniyuki’s best friend - Kashiwagi. Are the rumors really true? Kuniyuki is angry and has no idea what to do about his friend, when he meets a strange, but very pretty girl called Towa. She says she is the guardian of the “outcasts,” those who were taken to the “mansion,” but what does that really mean...?!
A young girl answers the door late at night and looks up to see a very, very tall man standing before her.
Rion is on a mission to find her missing friend Shihoko. Her only two clues are a card given to her by Shihoko and a confession that her best friend was in love with a vampire. Thus she heads down to a club filled with pretty male escorts whom she insists are vampires. Suou, the owner of the club, insists that he doesn't know a Shihoko at all and claims that they are not vampires. So, he decides to chase her out of the club. In order to obtain the truth, Rion throws a very, very expensive bottle of wine onto the ground to prove that she is not leaving, for now she has to work part-time at the club. Later, she realizes that Suou and gang are not the vampires that kidnapped Shihoko. However, in the nick of life and death for both Shihoko and Rion, another group of vampires comes along to save them. So, who are the real vampires now?