Set in Central Asia in a rural town near the Caspian Sea during the early 19th century, the story revolves around a young woman, Amir, who arrives from a distant village across the mountains to marry Karluk, a boy eight years her junior. The story unfolds among details of everyday family and community life. However, the peaceful atmosphere is disturbed when Amir's family demands to take her back to their village. Note: Won the 7th annual Manga Taishou Award in 2014 and the intergénérations prize at the Angoulême International Comics Festival in 2012.
The story centers on Tomoyo\'s route from the Clannad visual novel.
About a housewife that has moved into a new town trying to adjust to her fairly new married life with certain quirks and encounters with neighbours along the way. Source:
A new teacher enters an all-girls high school and as he tours around he sees a female student sleeping in a classroom. When she wakes up, however, she suddenly kisses him...
From Aerandria Scans: Momozono Nanami’s dad, a man with a penchant for gambling, disappeared after accumulating a huge amount of debt. Thus, she was chased out of her house by the debt collectors. When she met a timid man being chased by a dog, he told her that he’d give her his house. She believed his persuasive talk, but when she went to his house… it turned out to be a shrine. Moreover, a guy with fox ears appeared, which made Nanami even more confused. What will become of homeless and confused Nanami?
Because they encountered in a dark street, a mad and deformed man named Kyo Ichi, Keiji Masuda and his colleagues have to die one by one, killed by members of an ever-growing sect worshipping the seemingly invincible Kyo Ichi and bearing the same mark he has on the neck.