Following a similar narrative to its predecessor (Fuwari! Donpatch), Honnori! Donpatch is a slice of life involving Beauty living with Donpatch. Here, however, it is not a parody, but more a pastiche of Kiyohiko Azuma\'s beloved slice of life series Yostuba&!
What if the person you liked was the same gender? A beautiful girl suddenly appeared in front of the main character, Yuji! But what's her real identity...!? A new generation love comedy that questions “true love” in between tales of laughter and sadness.
Read Manga Ake No Tobari / Dawn Of Tobari / Tobari Of The Dawn / Рассвет Тобари Is There A Land Of Paradise Where Goblins And Humans Can Coexist In Harmony? Goblins And Humans Join In The Fight To Make This Dream Come True. “Ake No Tobari” Is Another Name: Рассвет Тобари รุ่งอรุณแห่งโทบาริ 明けのトバリ 새벽의 토바리
From ANN: The story revolves around Tomoya Mizuhara, a 13-year-old boy who suddenly gains a big sister when his father remarries. 17-year-old Ichika is a little strange, and her affection for Tomoya is rather overwhelming, if not scary. On top of things, Ichika's friend Ruri is the ultimate sadist. Then there is Ichika's big-breasted quarter-Japanese friend Marina.
From Kawa Scans: Distributing thrilling videos in secret. A school game that puts life and death on the line.