In the manga\'s story, humanity fought against divine beings in a secret war for its existence seven years ago. A girl named Waka, as well as her companions became Valkyries chosen by the gods and gave their lives to end the battle. In time, Waka\'s younger sister Kiko grows up and enters high school. But now the divine beings have returned.
Pairing: Mayuzumi Chihiro x Kuroko Tetsuya
During summer break, a junior high school student Mitsuharu collides with an unusual creature while speeding on his bicycle. That unusual creature was a genderless alien called Toki who came to Earth for a "purpose". An unpredictable story about a lonely human and an alien starts!
In our current society, most porn consumers are males, we are the ones who think with our d***** many times, we worship the female body and our society, products, advertisements and many other things are centered around that. But, what if it wasn\'t that way? What if, instead of men being the ones controlled by their sexual urges, women were the ones who bought porn magazines and had the most interest in sex? What if the moral standards between men and women were reversed? A non-H adaptation of a doujinshi series with the same name.
Felmenia Stingray was a genius magician. She quickly became the most distinguished magician of the Astel Kingdom after her discovery of white fire magic, which had the power to burn anything. However, the world is in peril due to the Demon King. The kingdom\'s court magicians perform a summoning ritual for heroes and bring forth a hero and two youths, a boy and a girl. Unlike the girl, the young man refused to fight the Demon King alongside the Hero and demanded to be sent back to his world. The kingdom, angry with his behavior, lock him away. Now Felmenia stands before the young man with her strongest magic, the white flame, being completely useless and asks who he is. It was already obvious to her that this man was far stronger than she was. To this he simply responds: \"Yakagi Suimei, a magician.\" ---
While building a huge tower to touch the heavens, Tenshi is surprised by a divine entity taking possession of Okuu\'s body and is knocked out of the sky once again. Now, she will have to join forces with the now-god Sanae Kochiya to stop this new enemy.
Become the legendary hero Achilles War Maiden and run through numerous battlefields! The war begins. The Achaean army, led by Agamemnon, struggles against the Trojan army, which boasts an iron fortress. Achilles and Hector, the prince of Troy, cross swords in the midst of the battle and become attracted to each other. Meanwhile, a tragedy befalls Patroclus, who adores Achilles... This is the conclusion of the first chapter of this turbulent mythological spectacle.
A former idol and his manager. An encounter with a fateful person knocks on an unexpected door. Aki Himeno is the youngest member of the idol unit Za-G. One day, his former popularity is on the wane and he\'s growing increasingly frustrated by the members\' lack of enthusiasm for their work, when the over-achieving manager in charge suddenly leaves his job. The new manager is Kasahara, a man with a soft smile and an unreliable attitude...
A 4-koma about the lives of the youkai at Youkai-Academy
The events of Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair as seen through the perspective of Kazuichi Souda.
He's a vampire destined to lead the world to ruin... So why is he working part time at a convenience store?! A 4 koma about demi-human working! The new clerk in the convenience store where Amamiya works at is half human and half vampire?! Not to mention, their colleagues are a werewolf and an android... Watching these demi-human work with the half vampire Kirishima-kun should be entertaining in this working comedy☆